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Segment intending and focusing at the tasks at hand: getting the most from what I’m doing

Regarding from focusing on tasks at hand.

I’m practicing now segment intention, it’s where I’m at with Abraham-Hicks’s Workbook Calendar.

And I noticed, that when I, before my meal, for example, set my intentions (to enjoy the food, and for each cell of mine to get what it wants, and after the meal feel this flat stomach, when I’m sated and feel like, I’ve given my body what it had to have to not just survive, but thrive, feel that pride and satisfaction and pleasure of having done something good for myself, feeling that I’m up and going), then it’s a pleasure to continue to focus on these intentions, play these wonderful feelings again and again, during the meal itself, and then I don’t feel this boredom I used to feel during the meals, when my mind wandered somewhere else, and the stomach felt bad in the end. I feel then wonderful during the meal and afterwards (ah, these intentions for feelings! They do manifest immediately, and it’s such a pleasure! :))

So maybe, when I continue the segment intention and practice more, I will indeed focus at the tasks at hand, not going somewhere else?

By the way, my feelings and I think the mind were so engaged in this re-playing the intended feelings, that I felt no urge to wander with my thoughts elsewhere. Ah, how good it is to play these games and practice! It’s like, molding my own life, right before my eyes. :)

Good day to you!! :))

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