Would you like to feel better faster?
You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
Yes, this is an official jump, opening for me: I will be writing here about WordPress, too, and all my wonders with it. Especially when there’re so many. :)
Of course I’m continuing with all my self-coaching joy, AND I will be writing about my programming and other joys here, too. I am officially giving myself permission to it. :)
Why do I even need this permission? I just felt, that I as if feel, that the blog, the way it is, defines, what is to be written here. Yet, it is me, my blog, where I write what is essential joy for me, so what if from defining it as “self-coaching oriented”, it would be “all-that-interests-me” oriented? After all, this is what “Allowing Life” is :)
So, to the subject topic: I just found yesterday, that I can redefine the way WordPress works with scheduled tasks. Instead of running wp-cron.php on every page loaded, I found, that this mechanism can be disabled, and instead, wp-cron.php can be called from my server. Releasing the page loads, and also making this cron work more precise, more reliable.
The additional bonus of all that I just discovered, was that my server also gives me the option to be sent all output from those wp-cron.php runs. And it already helped me several times today – sending some reports on what I would not pay attention to myself, or just would not pay attention to that this soon, or wouldn’t find where it is, that soon, etc.
Besides, it’s just nice, to know that I am being kept notified. It is set in such a way, that when there is no output, it doesn’t send anything, so I only get emails useful for me.
And my feeling is – relief. I feel cared for. Easy. Knowing. Free. Loving. Excited with all these technologies that make our life easier and more convenient, add more comfort. Yay to us all :)
Other plugins I’m exploring now: WP Better Emails, SendGrid, WP eMember and several others. And you?
There’re two possibilities:
You can also create by yourself a recipe, using a Feed trigger and an Evernote action: then you will be able not only to add a new note, but to update an existing one, add specific tags, customized title, or choose more variations that would suit you.
In this case you will need to enter a Feed URL for this blog, it is http://www.think-to-feel-better.com/blog/feed/.
This is much simpler:
The second way is obviously simpler, if you never used ifttt services before, but the first you can also use to get to your Evernote posts from any other blog and any other feed – very convenient then to read them all offline, all in one place.
Initially I wanted a tool for writing books, such that it would be available and synchronizing over different devices: Kindle, Android tablet, smartphone, PC, etc. I tried different programs, and finally someone “accidentally” :) showed me Evernote. It was excellent!
Google Chrome has a nice extension, Evernote Clipper, that helps to save all kinds of pieces from web pages to one place. And I could add all my book ideas to Evernote as I go, from my phone or tablet or whatever, and then have them at my computer, ready for editing and being used. I used “notebooks” in Evernote as books, and each note was or a section, or a whole chapter. These book notebooks went into the stack “My Books”, while I had more stacks, for other subjects.
So I wrote books in some combination of Evernote and Microsoft Word. And recently, someone showed me Scrivener…….. What a pleasure it is!!! Just to read its tutorial – a brilliant way to build it! So nice to learn in such a pleasant environment. It can show the book outline, it has a corkboard, it can help me to outline and move and build my books in a convenient way, and it allows me to write in a customized full-screen no-distraction environment, so beautiful I’m just enjoying the experience! :) It has so many features, which are just nice to have. People say, they increase productivity, I say, they increase fun. :)
So I wanted to import my books from Evernote to Scrivener, but no matter, how I tried – Scrivener was adding them as “media”, in a Research section, and I wanted to use them in Drafts.
I tried to drag and drop, export-import, and finally found the way. :) There was one little checkbox that changed it all.
So the path is (unless you find something even more productive, please let me know!):
1. Export notes (can be one note, can be even a whole notebook) in Evernote. Choose the option of saving them as multiple HTML files.
2. Open in Scrivener Tools –> Options –> Import/Export, and check the box next to “Convert HTML files to text”
3. On a folder in Scrivener, where you want to add them, right-click on that folder in the binder and choose Add -> Files.
If you saved all the exported notes in one separate folder on your computer, then you can just drag the whole folder into the binder of Scrivener!
That’s it! It saves all the rich formatting options I had set in Evernote notes: bold, italics, font color etc. So so nice!
By the way, Scrivener is still now at $20 instead of $40 at appsumo. And it’s not an affiliate link. :)
..It just feels so nice, so perfect: I’ve wanted my writing books to be of more fun, and here the tool is coming, which exactly feels like fun, and ease, and power together with lightness. I love it. :)
Good day!! :) ♥
In my recent aligning I paid attention, that when I write a program, I tend to take every aspect that I don’t know (yet), how to implement, as “I suck, I’m a failure, I know nothing.”
Now in my recent new-style programming, when I align, and then let the alignment express itself through new code, me riding the wave, – I said, okay, I tend to take it so, but I can also say: it’s an opening question, to which the new alignment will bring beautiful answers. It felt so much better!
So I started to call these “I don’t know how in the world it can be implemented at all!” – preview, thumbnails of what will be given to me in the new alignment.
And now I’m listening to an EC workshop, back 2 years ago, and suddenly hear there: “it’s the new level’s invitation being revealed.” What a beautiful wording! What a sweet reply :) cooperative rendezvouzing at its bestest :) ♥ Woohoo!! :) I love my life, so much. :) ♥
Do you have your Facebook link as http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001997602…?
If you would like to have your name in it, like this:
then go to http://www.facebook.com/username and choose the link you’ll love.
Loving you, :)
If you, like me, love to replay some video time and time again, this Google Chrome extension will be useful for you, too:
Auto Replay for YouTube – Chrome Web Store
It can even replay some specific portion of the clip! Especially useful in writing down those precious AH words, like those in “You’re the only player” post I did these days.
By the way, the link, with the title of the page and with the “a” html wrapping, I got through another extension:
Copy Title+URL to clipboard – Chrome Web Store
So convenient!!!!!
Several years ago I knew only Internet Explorer. Then a friend showed me Firefox. It was good! But on my computer it was too slow. And I didn’t even try Google Chrome, because that same friend said, that Google takes too much information from the users, and who knows where it may end up……. Thanks to Abraham, Bashar, all my practice, now, when I realized that I don’t have to worry about anything!! – now I can use anything I want to. :)
So I installed Google Chrome and oh am I pleased with it. :) It’s fast, beautiful (I installed a theme with green green grass), and has extension that make my work with the browser such a delight.
But if you’re using Firefox, I think you may look for similar extensions there, too – it may have them. :)
..I put this:
(“LifeFlow – Deep relaxation”: video)
close my eyes, relax.. and in 14 minutes (6 minutes to enter the alpha state and then 8 minutes of actual meditation to enjoy it), I feel renewed and refreshed. I start feeling calm and peaceful. “Issues” that occupied my mind before, stop being so relevant for how I feel. Life becomes easier. :)
For me these LifeFlow meditations were also very useful when I was in a very loaded workshop: in longer breaks I went to my room and listened. It helped me to release the tension and get back on track really quick.
This plugin will automatically post to Facebook my blog entries trailers. :)