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Actually, it’s not creating, it’s more allowing, letting it reveal itself, letting in. But from the physical side it looks like we’re creating .. what we’re working on (playing with): a chapter in a book, the book itself, a blog post, a computer program, – anything where we want the details to write it out, to meet it physically, to implement it.
I came to it because I was writing a book chapter, which felt like too big for me. Vibrationally too big: I felt like what I wanted to say there, was too big for me to capture it in understandable words.
So of course, first I worked on dissolving resistance, smoothing out that “bigness.” And then I felt I wanted the details! I was frustrated that I couldn’t find the words, that they wouldn’t just flow to me.
And then this image came to me (pun intended :)), of progressive jpeg, it’s an image format, which is loaded on web pages in a certain way: instead of showing the image a line at a time, from top to bottom, with all the sharp details immediately, it shows first the whole image in very low quality, very general, and then it becomes sharper and sharper, until the whole image shows up with high detailed quality.
Meaning, it could show the top 10% piece of the image, sharp and detailed, then 10% more, etc., and instead of it it shows the whole 100% very general, then makes it more and more detailed.
I thought, I could well apply it to creating (letting in) vibrationally, too.
One very successful businessman once said (and I loved it), that he had a rule: when he set goals to himself, the farther the goal manifesting was from him, the more generally he would define it. Sounds contradicting to some guru teachings, where they say we should visualize it all in details, right? But actually, from AH point of view it should be more correct, since when the goal feels like of a far reach to us, – if we state some details, we “activate the resistant end of the stick.”
It felt very true to me now: when I tried to come up with some chapter details, I felt bad, it felt like.. it wasn’t ready yet. The feeling was like I was trying to pull a plant from the soil, so that it would grow faster. And then the whole issue started to feel bad to me.
Then I realized, that my goal, my task was not to write it physically (while it would be nice and surely highly desired!), – my task was to align in this stream, meaning feel good when I’m thinking about it. Then the details would also come, and it would bloom from the inside out. The secret is to grow it this way :)
So remembering AH’s “go general”, I thought of the following process: to find statements about the chapter, as general as it feels good, and then find some detalization, at the same time making sure I’m still feeling good.
It actually reminded me of the writers’ process of outlining, just that in my chapter the outlining still felt like too detailed to feel good. So I started with finding the general enough statement that would feel good to me: