Would you like to feel better faster?

Then this is for you :)

When you subscribe to the newsletter, you’ll get 2 free chapters of the “Allow Money” book and a series of emails, that will walk you through lovely self-coaching tools, with which you can always feel better faster and in a pleasant way!

Thank you!

  You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)

A new book for you, an orgasmic one :)

Olgasmic, the book

If you provide your answer, on how to turn thoughts into orgasmic ones, that would be wonderful!

It’s a title of my new book, just released:

“How to Turn
Any Rising Thought
Into an Orgasmic One:

How to Let a Rising Thought Be More Effective, Efficient,
Nurturing You With Pleasure”

Here’s the book description:

So you found a better feeling thought… What’s next?
Wouldn’t it be nice to milk it for more?
Wouldn’t it be flowing, from one good feeling thought to get to fly in beautiful alignment?
Wouldn’t it be sweet, to align easily, happily, in a delicious flow?
Wouldn’t it be benefiting you, to come to a higher frequency, while you’re enjoying the process?
Wouldn’t it be fun, to be aligning simply (but interestingly)?
The book will tell you how to do it, evoking in you some profound thinking, recognizing, realizing. Thoughts that will feel even better, and a vibration that is much higher, and a happiness ocean, flowing in you (or you basking in it).

See you in the book! :)

And what are your discoveries in working with your thoughts?

Absolutely amazing

(“Mooji – Unbound Peace”: video)

I found it! :)

Years ago on some seminar I heard Abraham saying:

“You will never show up in your dock and miss your ship: there’s always an another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another..”

and now (accidentally) I found this clip on YouTube.

(“Abraham Hicks – Is Your Path Unclear?”: video)

There’re many more delicious things there in the clip, it really lets me feel how to “let it ripen” and be aligned along the way, but this “ships” part is such a beautiful answeet :)

“..And that the Universe is on your side,
and that there’re millions more when that one came from.”

What a wonderful feeling :)

P.S. By the way, just in case you haven’t seen, there’s a new process now added: 58. Tomorrow’s Story.

I opened for myself this new coaching format..

..and found it excitingly useful:

we define “session” as two days of emails, back and forth, with my questions, client’s questions, my exercises, client’s results, summary. It gives both me and my client the time to do our vibrational ..play :) in a subtle, yet more thorough and expansive way.

If you wish to try it with me, contact me.

For coach, writer, therapist, teacher, parent,…

Amazingly useful. I feel like re-thinking, re-basing all my consulting, coaching and writing, based on this principle:

Almost everyone is trying to teach people to change,
so that they can be more effective,

and there’s something sort of off about that,
because it implies, that there’s something wrong with where they are,
which is the opposite
of what you’re wanting to make them to understand.

You have to activate the rightness in people,
you have to activate your view of the perfection in people,
you have to activate your appreciation of people,

and that’s the thing that is most difficult about mentoring,

because in most cases the basic concept of mentoring says:
“I know something, that would be good for you,
that you haven’t figured out,
so you’re flawed in this way,
I do this for you because I see you’ve not been able to do it for yourself,”

and there’s such a vibrational downturn
in that basic premise that you begin with,
that most mentors never overcome it.

And that’s why most mentors gradually
move into just letting most of the people go by the wayside,
while they’re looking for the nuggets, and it’s the same old, same old..

And if you’re looking for the way to make a difference
that will give more people the edge of success,
then what you’re going to demonstrate is
not your ability to find them,
and not your ability to mentor them,
but your ability to believe the unbelievable.

That’s the big message.” ~ AH

I love this guy!! :)

Dancing to this now:

(“Rocky Leon – My Life is Fun (Loop) – with improvised vocals and guitar”: video)

What a song for a great morning! :)

(“Rocky Leon – Hallelujah (cover)”: video)

and check the previous post, Quit Your Whining :)

New notion from Abraham: Emotional Grid

A little about the new teachings

AH gave a new notion: emotional grid. Meaning, when we come into alignment with our desire, more and more, we establish the *emotional grid*, that is there to stay (at least, if these are the emotions that we prefer to have on that subject).

Law of Attraction then fills this grid with thoughts, ideas, events, people, rendezvouz, all the materialized stuff.

But the emotional grid – we’re responsible for setting it up. Actually, we anyway are doing it: regarding every subject we already have an emotional grid, just think about the subject and you’ll feel it.

And as is the quality of the emotional grid (quality not in the meaning of good-bad, but more of its emotional content), the filling is of the same quality.

Interesting, isn’t it?

When they said it, it settled SO well within me, as if they worded something *I* came to, that day, that moment, that minute..

And I realized then (indeed contrast rules!), that earlier I’ve been taking the “emotion as the first manifestation” more like a tool: that I come to emotion I want to have, and then the Universe “substitutes”, “exchanges” the emotion to the physical manifestation, and then I’ll live :))

Of course, I’m taking it to the extreme, of course, I felt the excitement and the woosh and the joy of the ride, of the journey, but when they said “emotional grid”, I realized, how much in comparison with that I took the emotional manifestation and the journey to be just a tool, that will bring me to the “real thing”.

(And it is me, knowing so well the joys of the vibrational journey, of conjuring the new emotion!.. I guess I’m more thinking now about some subject, where I so want to live the physical..:))

Bashar had this dialogue:

“Do you know personally, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the being you desire to be, you are capable of being?

Yes, I know that.

All right. Then start using that certainty to your advantage. If you know you have the capability of imagining what you would like to be, understand, as we have said, that your ability to imagine what you would like to be is your ability to be that person, that version of you.

If you have the ability to conceive how you want to be, at the moment you conceive it, you are that person. But when you deny your imagination your reality and say, “Okay, I’ve imagined what I would like to be; now what do I have to see, what do I have to do, to become this idea?” you are placing all the steps in your way that it’s taking for you to get there.

Your ability to imagine that person is being that person — because if you weren’t of that vibration, you wouldn’t be able to picture it!

The events in your life can only be 100% reflective of the person you have decided you are. Allow yourself to recognize that your ability to even imagine there is another way to be, is being the other way.

All you need is a basic trust that at any given moment you have what you need; you know everything you need to know to be who you are being in that moment. As soon as you redefine who you are, you will know the things that person needs to know, regardless of what you’re seeing around you.

But these blocks within us — what are these blocks?

It is only your assumption that there is some mysterious “how” that needs to be known before you will act in the manner you desire.

You don’t have to wait for a reason to be happy in order to know you prefer to be happy. Create the effect of being happy, and you will attract into your lives all of the causes to support the happiness you have created … just because you want to. And just because you say so. Because you are the creators of your reality, there doesn’t need to be any other why or how. What you say goes!”

And now with the “emotional grid” it’s so clear: we just come to the emotions we desire to live, and we establish them, not as a tool, but as something we intend to live. And then the path is so clear: we just *be* it, conjuring (I love this word, Abraham gave it in this sense on Sep 24) the emotions we prefer on this subject, new and new nuances, we live the emotional grid, and Law of Attraction then fills it exactly with stuff, corresponding to the emotional quality of this carcass..

And then the “slowing down” by the need to speed up the process of the physical manifestation, by any worry about it, is so understandable, too: this worry also becomes a part of our grid! And is then filled with stuff alike. No wonder it slows the process of getting the physical manifestation we prefer, down: we all the time build the grid, rebuild the grid, build the grid, rebuild the grid,.. The Universe isn’t “slow” in bringing us what we want, it is busy filling the grid all the time up to its new qualities. :)

I intend in the coming days to upload the AH’s explanation from the workshop – it just was in several pieces, I want to do a mix, to gather all the important parts. Stay tuned :)

Trusting your life

Connecting the dots:

“So really what we’re asking you to do, and it’s an annoying word, but it has such powerful resonance at the very core of your being, is to trust the process. To trust your Inner Being. To trust that where you are is fine. To acknowledge there is no wrong doing on your part. That there’s no misunderstanding or no misapplication of a process. There is no recovery from something that is amiss. There’s just you, in this moment, harmonizing with the resonating blending with the Energy of Who You Are. Softly acknowledging that it’s a big capacity. And in acknowledging that big capacity of this Energy, being pleased with where you are touching it and what it is achieving.

Here’s a way you could look at it that would be very pleasing to us: Standing, like your Inner Being, in your Vortex, utterly knowing the Well Being of you and knowing it so powerfully and you being so close in the vicinity of it that you can’t not know it. In other words, we know it so much that you just got to know it. And if you don’t know it, it’s coz you’re overthinking it. We just want you to know you’re close enough. You’re close enough. In other words, easy does it. Close enough and trust that Source within you. The Source within you, this Vortex, has got you. It’s got your back. It’s got your front. It’s got your past. It’s got your present. It’s got your future. It IS you. In other words, it’s real-time, vibrational. It knows all of the manifestations that are coming. It knows every step along the way. It could lay it all out for you brilliantly. It knows every rendezvous that you’ll have with every single person. It knows where you’ve been. It knows where you’re going. It knows Who You Are. It knows what you want. It knows where you are in relationship to what you want. It know that path of least resistance to get you to where you want to be. It knows all of those things. The Source within you knows all of those things. And because you can’t just hear it all spelled out this red hot minute, you choose to think that you ought to be doing something different than what you’re doing and we want to tell you: what you are doing is enough. It’s enough. It’s all you can do, and it’s enough. It’s all you can do, and it’s enough. Trust the process, it will just keep evolving.” ~ Abraham-Hicks

(“Bashar – How to get there”: video)

one of my favorite Bashar’s clips.. “Everyone goes to heaven.” :)

“If you focus upon something negative it does not necessarily mean that the negative aspect will become ever stronger / ’more negative’. It means the negative aspect will develop towards its own healing / integration: however it is the nature of life that what we perceive to be negative increases towards this point of resolution. This is because to integrate / resolve anything we must first come to understand it, which is achieved through exploring it – through diving into it.

The key point to understand in this is that something becoming worse in the moment can be the best path towards it becoming better in the long term. Through this understanding it is possible to begin to deprogram yourself from the socialized reaction that leads us to go to a place of fear the moment anything seems to be going wrong. Often people ask for a positive change in their life and as soon as it starts unfolding they put the brake on as the face of what is being moved towards initially appears negative. To release this reaction is the process of coming to trust in the unfolding of your own life.” ~ Story Waters

“To control is to be blind to the beauty of unfolding” ~ Story Waters

Facebook tools

Do you have your Facebook link as http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001997602…?

If you would like to have your name in it, like this:

then go to http://www.facebook.com/username and choose the link you’ll love.

Loving you, :)

Auto Replay on YouTube

If you, like me, love to replay some video time and time again, this Google Chrome extension will be useful for you, too:

Auto Replay for YouTube – Chrome Web Store

It can even replay some specific portion of the clip! Especially useful in writing down those precious AH words, like those in “You’re the only player” post I did these days.

By the way, the link, with the title of the page and with the “a” html wrapping, I got through another extension:

Copy Title+URL to clipboard – Chrome Web Store

So convenient!!!!!

Several years ago I knew only Internet Explorer. Then a friend showed me Firefox. It was good! But on my computer it was too slow. And I didn’t even try Google Chrome, because that same friend said, that Google takes too much information from the users, and who knows where it may end up……. Thanks to Abraham, Bashar, all my practice, now, when I realized that I don’t have to worry about anything!! – now I can use anything I want to. :)

So I installed Google Chrome and oh am I pleased with it. :) It’s fast, beautiful (I installed a theme with green green grass), and has extension that make my work with the browser such a delight.

But if you’re using Firefox, I think you may look for similar extensions there, too – it may have them. :)