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Silly song to dance to :)

(“Feloche – La vie cajun”: video)

I like his face. :)

Saying No?

I suddenly realized it now: when some friend is calling me, and I feel I don’t want to talk to him at this moment, or someone is suggesting that we meet, or talk, and I’m reluctant to give my phone number, even though our relationship is good, and he is a good person, and it can offend him,

(as Moran, http://tantralev.co.il, said at this seminar: “When you feel reluctant to say NO to someone, see it like this: by saying NO to him, you’re saying YES to yourself”),

so what I just realized – when it’s happening, I’m just feeling that he’s not a vibrational match to me, and so giving up to the feelings of guilt or pleasing, and speaking to him, I would accustom to this lower vibration, which is not good for me.

As I paraphrase what Abraham said,

“It’s their job to figure it out, and they are.
It’s my job to be joyful and I am.”

Good realization to remember. :)

The secret really is..

..not to pay attention that the little steps, trying to move the setpoint, in the beginning seem not helping at all, or helping only very slightly.


(“Baldi Olier (Venezuelan Waltz, Paris)”: video)

What a powerful process!!!

In Telling New Story, in ever-repeating dialog about us sticking with the truth of it, instead of with how it feels, as the main criteria of thinking a thought, ABraham suggested adding after we say, “It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.”

I tried it today in the morning, regarding some circumstances in my life I was unhappy about. And it works wonders!! Immediately it filters the thoughts to only those that I really want more of, in my life!

And it also made me to look for the things there, in these circumstances, and outside of it, that I could really say “It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.”

Was it the Positive-Aspecting in its best!! I somehow never was comfortable with the Positive-Aspects process, but here it’s not just a huge pleasure, it’s also very very powerful. Immediately I felt a relief regarding that situation, and at all, it became for me much easier and more pleasant to think about things in my life that I appreciate (or could appreciate).

“Usually people are honest with me.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.

They spoke with me.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.

They sent me some good things.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.

They’re very loyal to their company.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.

I was able to call them.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.

I was able to shout at them, first time ever.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life. Or do I? :) I want more of the feeling of the power that I felt, in comparison with feeling helpless before that. I felt some power. It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.

Usually people I meet turn their good sides to me.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.

I met so many wonderful people.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.

I feel so much better now. Such a relief. These feelings, these thoughts must be really good for me.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life.”

I also understood that Abraham would say, no matter what they do – they cannot create in my reality, they cannot diminish the abundance in my life, only I can do that with limiting thoughts, and I just did the work to come to better thoughts, so I increased the flow of abundance into my life, I’m so proud of myself, Amen to that. :)

One of the best processes I’ve found, ever.
It’s the truth, and I want MORE of it in my life. :))

It is what resonates with you, that you brought into this world

Even though this quote speaks more of choosing (or not choosing) a “higher path”, I more resonate with this:

“It is what resonates in your heart; it is what draws you; it is the resonance of your experience, your beingness that you birthed into, that you have brought with you into this world. This is the realization of the freedom of what you are.”

Some thought is being birthed within me.. some realization. Like, I don’t need to be something I’m not. Instead, I could pay more attention to who I am..

Full quote:

“There no rightness to any particular role, to any particular path. You are not more right to be spiritual than a scientist. You are not more right to seek to help others than to only be concerned with yourself. It is what resonates in your heart; it is what draws you; it is the resonance of your experience, your beingness that you birthed into, that you have brought with you into this world. This is the realization of the freedom of what you are. As long as you believe there is any ‘higher’ path you are not free. You are instead caught in a mission to continually evolve an understanding of what the highest path is, and whatever that realization may be, so you must go.

That is not freedom. That is not ‘I Am’. That is to look out in the world and see it divided. It is to see it refracted across this belief in the existence of a higher path and it can only lead to separation and judgment.

You can be whatever you want to be. It is only from that basis that the question ‘Who do I want to be?’ is birthed. Instead of ‘Who am I?’ which presupposes that there is a plan to be revealed. There is no defined answer to ‘Who am I?’ You are ‘I Am’, Source, non-definition, clarity. What do you want to be? What do you want to experience? What attracts you? What are you attracted to? There is no right or wrong in this, simply the feeling of resonance in your heart. You are whatever you want to be.”

— Story Waters, Bringer of Light

“You can feel good without the manifestation, but..

..but you cannot be happy without alignment with your desire.

Pity – on one hand and exciting – on the other :)

(“Abraham Hicks – It’s true and I want some of it !”: video)

“To attract the love you want…..Be the love you are.”

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, isn’t it?

What I love in Lee Harris’s and Story Waters’s works, they often manage to express so much in a short and simple phrase. I love it. Appreciate it. :)

The phrase in the title is from here.

It’s the idea of the solution that you seek alignment with

“When you are in the Vortex,
what that feels like, is
you wake up and you feel clear-minded
and you’re eager to get into your day,

and a whole flood of ideas that are interesting to you,
are pouring through you,

and from the moment that you begin your day,
people who are on your wavelength,
who are interested in things that you’re interested in,
begin making their way into your experience,

and magical things just open to you, all day long.

It’s not like, the ceiling opens and piles of money come in,
although the process of that does begin.

It’s more like, rendezvousing with the best that you are
and beginning to feel your life come back to you

And the thing that is so interesting is
so often physical friends think that
if they could just solve that problem, then they would feel better

and we say,
of cause it does feel better when the solution comes

but we want you to understand that it is the idea of the solution,
it’s the alignment with the energy,
that you’re really reaching for

You have a very minor,
a very minor, enhanced contrast,
for the purpose of queuing you up
for what’s going to happen in financial matters
for the next hundred years or so.

So, we don’t think it’s a big price to pay,
we think that you’ll endure it,
we know that your nations will survive it,
we know that most of you will continue to do just fine,

and some of you, depending upon your attitude,
your belief, your understanding and your willingness,

some of you will get into the Vortex
and you will thrive beyond anything that you’ve ever known before,

because the energy is greater,
and in absence of resistance
you have to become everything that you’ve asked for

it’s law,
it can be no other way.”

from here:

Adoration of problem > easy receiving of the solution

(“Abraham Hicks: Easy receiving of solution”: video)