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some thoughts

(in the emotional guidance scale, just felt this)

part of AH Emotional Guidance Scale (better read from the bottom up):

5. optimistic
6. hope
7. contentment, satisfaction, wellbeing
8. boredom
9. pessimistic
10. frustration
11. overwhelm

pessimistic is releasing my little plan
it’s surrendering
it’s releasing the hope to achieve in order to prove
it’s releasing the grip of the monkey
it’s surrendering to the higher plan
it’s surrendering to the trust in the overall well being in which small achievements in order to survive and impress are not required

pessimism is acknowledging the physical mind’s need for the little plans, to make sure, to guarantee;

acknowledging, accepting, loving, embracing

pessimism is giving in to the idea of higher care

pessimism is relieving the “I will do” into “it’s already done for me, and I may see it”

pessimism is releasing expectations

and then boredom is “I’m tired of thinking about it all this way; I want to let go let God”

and the contentment then is receiving the God and the well being

and hope then is “maybe it can turn out way better than I thought it could be, not by my effort – by its natural flow I gave in to

and optimistic is this feeling of well being like a ray of sunshine beaming from inside

beaming anew, and as many times before, with new fresh taste

awakening happiness

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