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32. Wobble-Free: Let’s Play! :)

In a recent workshop in San Antonio, Abraham defined a new term we can play with, focus upon, to feel good: Wobble-Free.

(“Abraham-Hicks – Wobble-Free”: video)

So I thought, since these forms work so great for me, I want to create a workshop (playshop) on this topic, too. Here it is below, and you’re welcome to participate in it, too! :)

If you’re up to it, let’s clarify our intention:

Step 1

More thoughts for this step:

“Wobble-free means words that go along with the desires that you hold.” ~ AH

Step 2: the list

Wobble-Free thing: What I love in it the most:

I wonder what column could make this process even more powerful and enjoyable. Do you have an idea?

Now, if you’re feeling any better, celebrate it! :)
Give yourself credit for it.
Bask in this sweet relief, this renewed confidence, this easiness of being.
Any notes you’d like to add:

If you want your choices and notes to be sent to you,
type your email here and hit “Send it!”:

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