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An exercise in which 5 sources came together for me:
AH say, instead of focusing on what we don’t want, to focus on what we do want
Eloheim & The Council channeled by Veronica Torres, have a course Uncertainty, with an exercise:
1. uncertainty – to state that where we are in our life situation, how we see it, we face uncertainty: we don’t know how it will physically unfold. And from Eloheim’s Uncertainty 2.0 course, here it’s also Personality coming into play, survival instinct, that drives us to tend to see for it the worst feeling outcomes. By Bashar, it’s negative beliefs system. By AH, our being lame in our focus :) and energy expanding. By IFS, protector parts screaming that we should do something, solve, protect. Creativity parts diving deeper inside, not being allowed to open
2. preferences – to state what we want (and here we can actually focus on what we want, fuller, using this permission slip (Bashar’s notion) that we’re not stating what is (in which, by IFS, our protector parts would come and try to protect us from not facing the truth), here we just state our preferences (which by Bashar also is easier than stating what we want). Thus coming to the feeling of New Earth and of Paradise, by Sara Landon & The Council. Forming the feeling place by AH. Coming into the Vortex by AH. Being the vibration by Bashar. By AH it would be nice to also add, that it’s logical that we prefer it, and maybe list why we prefer it. By IFS protector parts could relax their defense then, letting the creativity parts open, even a bit
3. uncertainty – Eloheim says it’s important not to stay in preferences, to move to uncertainty again, but this time the uncertainty is about the infinite possibilities that are available to us. Subtle shift that is very powerful. Sara Landon & The Council would add here that we usually take into consideration only a part of our resources, while there is much more.
AH, Bashar, Eloheim, Sara Landon, IFS, cooperative components :)