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Delicious pieces from AH LIVE on Aug 28

* faith in the unseen means that what is wanted, is certain

* you will hold the knowing that your Source holds

* when you’re able to alter your perception, then the manifestation follows suit with that perception

* look around your world and find things that are pleasing to you, but don’t get too hung up into what is, or it will bind you and not allow the change that you want

* art of allowing the full view, art of allowing your full power, art of allowing your emotion to improve before the manifestation gives you the justification for it – that’s what deliberate creation is at its best

* it’s finding the feeling place before your neighbors can witness it :)

* and understanding that finding the feeling place IS the evidence that you’re looking for

* when you’re not in the Vortex, don’t be so vividly what you’re being! you’re wanting to become more general about it. The more general you are, the less resistance there is.

* be general when you creation is crappy. When it’s pleasing, be specific

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