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‘Always abundant’ is an idea, creating its own complete reality

A transcript by Bashar, absolutely amazing. :)
I’m reposting it wherever I can. :)

Q: I’d like to talk a little bit more about the technology of living the dream – this waking dream.
B: Technology! All right.
Q: (Laughing) And I was here a couple of weeks ago when you talked about how you live in ecstasy all the time on your planet, and I … this month, I have not earned any money and I…
B: What have you earned?
Q: Well… I’ve been surfing a lot.
B: All right. What have you earned?
Q: What have I earned?
B: Yes.
Q: I’ve earned… to feel at peace about it.
B: Thank you.
Q: I don’t feel any fear about that.
B: Thank you!
Q: And I want to continue in that mode.
B: Go ahead.
Q: But then I start feeling like… well, I just payed my rent today and…
B: All right.
Q: And now there’s this fear that crops up, it’s like I’m afraid that I can’t sustain surfing and just doing stuff and going through the motions on a daily basis because I’m starting to go into fear about the future, and about not having…
B: What future?
Q: Ah…
B: Can you show it to me?
Q: Okay then, using it up in this present and not having…
B: Oh! Do you have what you need right now in the present?
Q: Well…
B: Do you have right now, what you need in the present?
Q: Okay. Yes.
B: Then why should the next present be any different?
Q: Um… oooh!
B: All right.
Q: Ooooh! (Makes funny sounds of realization and everyone laughs)
B: No better reason have I heard! Now, if I may say so again, understand that what you are exploring is, in and of itself, its own separate idea. You do not create partial realities. Do you follow me?
Q: No.
B: You create whole realities.
Q: Whole realities.
B: You do not create partial realities. One reality is not a lesser part of another greater reality.
Q: I don’t really understand.
B: All right. In other words, the idea, in and of itself that you do not ever need to worry about being abundant is, in and of itself, its own idea. The idea of not worrying about ever being abundant – except now and then – is not the same reality. It is its own reality. It carries its own patterns, its own timing, its own unfoldment. It has nothing to do with the reality of always being abundant. Always being abundant – except every now and then – is its own idea. It is not a half way manifestation of the idea of always being abundant. It is its own total, complete reality. Do you follow me?
Q: Are you saying that if I… yes, I think you’re saying that if I create the reality that I’m abundant only now and then, then I will live in that reality.
B: Yes. That is its own reality.
Q: So, what I’m saying is that there are negative thought forms in me, if you would call them that, that are still wanting me to live in some kind of reality of less than total abundance.
B: But understand that the idea that you have negative thought forms in you, that wish you to live that way, is also its own idea. Every – now you may certainly take me quite literally! – EVERY IDEA…
Q: Ouch.
B: Oh… (whispers) is a complete idea.
Q: Right.
B: Now, I do not have to underline this many, many, many times, but I will: Complete! Complete. Its own complete reality! Every idea that you consider to be simply a variation of an idea is not a variation in the sense that it still contains the original idea; it is its own complete idea. And therefore you experience it as your own complete reality. The idea that you have these negative thoughts is its own reality, its own idea; and will be created flawlessly, because you are a completely flawless creator.
Q: Well, this morning… see, it wasn’t my idea…
B: Oh, yes it was.
Q: But this morning you see, I espoused what you are saying to a friend. Like, I…
B: That was this morning.
Q: This morning I was…
B: Another idea.
Q: I told her of my abundance and she said, “Well, I hope you have good karma to always be able to be abundant like that, but I think you have to go to work, and slave,” and you know I…
B: All right. But what allowed you to accept that – to change your mind and go along with that reality, instead of the one that you felt?
Q: I didn’t. I felt really strong about my reality.
B: All right.
Q: But I feel like these are little chinks that keep chipping away at…
B: One more time! One more time. Each idea is separate. Each idea that is separate always forms a separate physical reality. If you believe there is a reality in which there are chinks, that is the reality.
Q: So, if someone comes into my sphere that has negativity like that…
B: Understand that you, in creating your positive reality, simply recognize that you are able in that way to share and exchange with any other individual, positive and/or negative, as they greet you. But understand that all you will return in that way is the reality you know yourself to be. What has their belief got to do with you?
Q: Well, that… maybe that’s the purpose of it. I feel their belief penetrating into my…
B: Then that is an idea, which creates your reality. The fact that you feel that they can penetrate and undermine what you believe – what you know to be true about yourself – is the reality you have created. Do you see how very clear and simple it is? Whatever you are experiencing as your physical reality is what you believe about yourself.
Q: So then I can keep reaffirming positive things about myself.
B: There is no need to. Again, the idea that you need to keep reaffirming implies that you do not feel it is stable to begin with. Once is enough. Do you follow me?
Q: Well…
B: If you know, without at shadow of a doubt, what your name is – do you need to walk around all day reminding yourself, because you might forget? Or do you take it for granted that you know your name?
Q: I know my name, but I don’t understand how…
B: But, but, but. “I know this, but…” That is another idea.
Q: How do I get it down to just one idea?
B: It is one idea. Each and every moment that you create time to exist; you are always creating one idea for you to experience – each and every moment.
Q: So, I should keep choosing…
B: Not should… how do you feel?
Q: I can keep choosing to be the positive idea.
B: Yes you can, if you wish.
Q: A positive, pleasant, idea.
B: But understand again, it is not a matter of reaffirming – you simply know that you are a positive idea.
Q: I know. Ah ha.
B: Ah ha. And why not? Can you answer that?
Q: Okay, so now I’ve had the experience of that, I’ll have to reaffirm it for the next time, is that it?
B: There is no reaffirming.
Q: But I don’t experience that!
B: That’s another idea that you have – that you do not experience it.
Q: (Laughing) Okay.
B: Understand that the idea of allowing yourself to continually exist in a state of ecstasy is knowing – knowing – that you do not have to reaffirm it. In other words, believing is seeing. Your reality, what you consider to be your solid reality, is only what you believe it should be.
Q: I can feel in my body when something is right.
B: Yes.
Q: Well, I’ve been feeling…
B: All right. We are leading to the next phase. Go on. I know what is coming.
Q: Yes? (Laughing) Well, I talked about this the last time I was here, and the best example is that for a long time I’ve been feeling that I need a new car. I’ve been really feeling that – I’ve been feeling that abundance and that faith. But I don’t have it… that is not physically the situation.
B: So what?
Q: So what.
B: Yes. So what?
Q: Well, I’d like proof! Of that which I feel to be…
B: Oh, proof! Thank you! There it is! “If I do not get the proof I exactly expect to get, I will not allow myself to know who I am.” Expectation: the most limiting of all limitations.
Q: Ooh, yes! I can tell you I’ve been noticing that.
B: Oh, very good.
Q: I have been very disappointed in myself…
B: You have been creating expectations; therefore you have been creating disappointment. The idea of expectation, in and of itself, creates disappointment.
Q: I’ve noticed that.
B: Very good. Then realize how you are getting proof of the fact that you are creating your reality exactly according to your beliefs.
Q: Ah ha.
B: Understand that the quote/unquote skeptic, that wishes to say, “I told you so,” is getting exactly what they said.
Q: That is a strong part of me – it’s very ingrained.
B: That is also an idea! (AUD: laughter)
Q: Oh! Oh, you are so great!
B: No. You are so great.
Q: Oh, thank you.
B: Thank you. Now, allow me to say simply that the idea you call proof, in thatway, will always simply be what you are willing to believe about yourself. Therefore, if you simply believe, if you simply know – which is even, in a sense, easier than believing – simply know that you have every idea in your reality that exactly needs to be there to allow you to recognize the perfect and perfectly timed unfoldment of your life as you have chosen to live it, then you will allow yourself to live through all the ideas you are now holding back. And then afford yourself the opportunity to see that when you take it for granted that you are always functioning perfectly, that your life physically will reflect it.
Q: Is one of the ideas to unfold all those ideas I will be living?
B: Life itself, living itself, is the unfoldment of all of those ideas.
When you recognize that whatever occurs within your physical life is the unfoldment of those ideas, then you will see them work for you, rather than against you. Because you will be willing to accept whatever occurs as the unfoldment of those ideas, and not something off-track. You cannot be off-track – until you create the idea in your reality, that you are off-track. And then that is what you see. Because that is what you are creating. It is still flawless creation. You are creating the idea you are out of control, and that is what you get. Therefore you are still in control.
Q: I like the way that you are so definite about it.
B: Oh, thank you.
Q: I would like to walk around with that kind of sense of conviction…
B: Go ahead! Go ahead. Do not put a but on the end of this sentence! (AUD: laughter)
Q: I’m not going to put a but at the end. I’m just saying that I would like to walk around with that kind of conviction.
B: All right. Would you do me a favor?
Q: Yes.
B: Are you sure?
Q: I will do you a favor.
B: Thank you.
Q: I am happy to serve you.
B: Oh! Thank you. As we are happy to serve you.
Q: Yes.
B: Now, with the same degree of definiteness that you are willing to serve us, allow yourself to serve All That Is by taking it for granted that as a part of All That Is, you are automatically supported. Do you follow me?
Q: I just realized that you are so much bigger, more powerful, more true…
B: What?
Q: I feel that you…
B: What? What!?
Q: What I feel is that all…
B: Do you realize that in your vernacular, at this moment – if we may be allowed to play around with a word – that you are insulting us? You are telling us that we now can no longer be of service to you – because we are no longer equal. We cannot share anymore – because you view us as so much greater than yourself. You are removing yourself from the sharing of the equality of our vibration.
Q: Hhmm.
B: You are pushing us away, by deifying us. You are removing yourself from our vibration. You are creating us to remove ourselves from yours, because we no longer see eye to eye.
Understand that our service to you is only to reflect that which you already contain. Understand that if you can perceive the idea of that greatness, that power, that assurance, that definiteness within us, it is because you already must contain it – or you would not be able to perceive it. As you say – it takes one to know one.
You cannot perceive that which you do not contain – for you would not recognize it if it were to smack you in the face. Do you follow me?
Q: Yes.
B: It is very simple. That which you perceive – you are. That is why, if you perceive love you become love; and if you perceive hate, you become hate – and support either side. Now, my perception, I do not just mean a simple observation, but the willingness to feel that the ideas you do observe, positive and negative, are something that must impinge themselves upon the reality you know yourself to be – where you feel they have control over you in that way and where you wish to play victim and elevate all nature around you as more powerful than you – you are at the very beginning of what you term to be the creation of your religions and the creations of your government upon your planet.
You are taking the responsibility for your life, for your fears, which you are not willing to face, and giving them to someone else to take care of for you.
You are deifying. Making yourself less than you really know yourself to be. Always do we wish to serve you through unconditional love and sharing. There is no way to share with someone who does not perceive themselves to be equal. This will be true for any idea you call a relationship. Do you follow me?
Q: (Speaking in a whisper) Yes.
B: What?
Q: Yes.
B: No need to cower. I am not scolding you! (AUD: laughter) I am sharing with you. Now, first of all, how do you feel?
Q: (Laughing) Cowering.
B: All right. Then that is your choice. I have now given you an opportunity to feel the reality of cowering before the deity that you have created. (AUD: laughter)
B: How do you like it? Not very pleasant is it?
Q: No! It’s not!
B: Thank you! Then I will thank you not to deify us. Therefore we will not need in that way to reflect your cowering back to you – so that you will feel it so strongly. Feel equal! Be bold! Live and breath the air that you have created. Does it not feel wonderful? Have you not the same right to life as any consciousness within creation!? Yes, no, maybe?
Q: Yes.
B: All right. Period. Yes. Period. Say, “Why not?” … Go ahead.
Q: Why not? I… I’m…
B: Ah, ah, ah. One moment.
Q: I’m wondering why …
B: One moment please. Will you do me another favor?
Q: Yes.
B: All right. Say two words: say, “Why not?”
B: Very good! Now, can you in all honesty – in all honesty – give me a reason, why not? Can you give me a reason why you do not deserve ecstasy — any reason that you really feel is an honest reason. Taking into account the incredible variety and diversity within all of creation. Each experiencing its own path, its own life, its own creations, its own portions of that which it is and knows itself to be as the creator. Can you give me any reason – truly any reason – that if you should ask yourself at any time, “Why?” that you cannot say, “Why not?”
Q: No.
B: Thank you. Then understand that the only – the only! – reason that you create the “Why?” or “How can I?” is by judging yourself to be less than what you are. Which is nothing less than All That Is. How do you feel?
Q: I’m trying to experience myself as All That Is.
B: What? What, what, what?
Q: I AM experiencing myself as All That Is.
B: Thank you. Very good!
Q: It’s awesome!
B: Why?
Q: It’s a lot!
B: So?
Q: It’s great!
B: Thank you. Awesome means you are awed. Again: you are awed by deification of greatness. “Oh, this much be more than me.”
Q: Then I feel equal.
B: Very good. You are no less and no more – no more and no less. No need to feel less than – no need to be more than. You are exactly All That Is. It is that simple. Realize that being All That Is does not mean that you have to be All That Is, pompously. You may simply know that you are that idea, the love of All That Is. Now, let’s get on to living.
Q: All right!
B: Let’s get on to enjoying. If everything really is, “Why not?” then, “WHY NOT create peace and ecstasy? Since that seems to be what I would enjoy the most?”
Q: Yes, I’m sure that is what you do.
B: Thank you. As – in our eyes – you do.
Q: That’s true.
B: Then you really have no reason to experience anything else. And everything else that you do experience, that you recognize as not being quote/unquote, ecstasy, in your definition, is still a variation of ecstasy because it is always another opportunity to experience another portion of yourself. Which is always for us, an ecstatic experience.
There are no negative experiences, in the sense of allowing yourself to experience that which you believe yourself to be. If you fear to experience it, then you create the negative effect. If you live through it, always it is positive. Because always you will allow yourself to be clear-sighted enough, clairvoyant, clear-sighted enough, to be transparent to yourself – instead of opaque. Thank you!
Q: Thank you!

Delicious pieces from AH LIVE Sep 3

  • a burning question means, expansion is on the way.
    A burning question means, a part of me has gone to a place
    that the rest of me is to take the journey to.
    A burning question is equivalent to having a vacation planned
    that you’re now going to take
    Isn’t it?
    Something I have evolved to,
    and I’m going to enjoy catching up with.

  • we can’t come to those powerful conclusions we are,
    if you weren’t all seeking the answers to those (!!) :)

  • all along this emotional scale are set-points, that you establish,
    so there’s a lot of meaty life experiences
    that come in this incremental improvement
    in the releasing of resistance.

    It’s like being a connoisseur of vibration:
    there’re some people that really know wine: there’s red and there’s white,
    there’s kind of comes in a box, and there’s kind of comes in a really big jag.
    But you don’t call them connoisseurs.

    And then there’re those, who has a really sophisticated palette,
    who know where the grapes were grown,
    and what they were blended with, and how long they’ve been aged..

    Their pleasure is significantly greater in its refinement.
    So we want you to start looking for the refined woosh.

  • if the responsibility that you’re trying to accomplish,
    would be to discover and practice, until it is chronic,
    the resonance between you and your Inner Being only,
    and you would not therefore be trying to seek resonance with others,
    it would be a really happy world,
    or even if it wasn’t, you wouldn’t know it,
    because your world would be happy

  • (to a Mom about her child)
    do you want his good feeling to come about
    because of his alignment with who he really is,
    or because of the approval that others are offering him
    because of his learned behaviour?

  • you want your children to behave,
    you don’t want them to embarrass you,
    and you also don’t want them to embarrass themselves;
    but in that well-meaning context,
    if you for a moment imply, that his behaviour
    should be contingent upon someone outside of his Inner Being’s response to him,
    then you have begun the desensitizing process,
    the process of helping him to forget, who he really is

  • ..who is not freaking out
    about the toylessness of his friend

    (this is for those who know AH’s teachings from inside,
    otherwise it can be severely misunderstood)

  • does Source not look,
    or does Source look and not freaking out?     (delicious!)

  • teach your child to share the wholeness of him,
    teach your child to share his happiness

  • there’re a lot of people now talking about Law of Attraction.
    But until you’re understanding that what you’re wanting to attract
    is a manifestation that pleases you,
    and that the manifestation is the emotion,
    over which you have complete control,
    then you’re still looking around and expecting others
    to do things differently so that you can feel better,
    which renders you powerless
    , moment after moment,
    day after day, relationship after relationship,

    because they’re the center of their universe, not yours!
    So you’re looking for love in all the wrong places.

    Any time you say or mean or feel about anyone:
    “You need to do something differently,
    so that I can have a better-feeling response,”
    you render yourself powerless, because as much as they love you,
    and many of them do,
    they don’t have the power
    to get into the center of your universe
    and be your center. You’ve got to do it.

    And when you begin doing it, then demonstration, –
    demonstration, manifestation, same word, –
    all around you.

  • if you’ll get generally negative, that’ll make you feel better.
    if you’ll make general statements:
    “oh well, life just sucks”
    “well, this is the way those people are”
    “this isn’t my first encounter with something like that”
    in the generality of it you begin to ease up,
    when the specifics keep you negatively focused.

    And from the general feeling of negative emotion
    you can move to general feeling of a positive emotion pretty easily:
    “well, I don’t have to think about this now”
    “things always get better for me”
    “there’re a lot of things that are working”
    “I don’t know why I make such a big deal over that”

    But as you move from a general place of well-being
    into a more specific place of well-being,
    what happens is:
    every subject has vibrational frequencies
    that are on the opposite ends:
    when you really-really want something,
    there’s a really-really not wanting at the other end of it
    and so sometimes, without meaning to,
    as you try to be more specific about what you do want,
    you activate where you really are at the other end of it

    That’s why we say:
    go general, go general, go general,
    and pretty soon you will diffuse the vibration of it enough
    that it just won’t come up for you any more.

  • we want wherever you are along the emotional scale
    from despair all the way to where you ultimately want to be
    to be alright, because
    there is no end to the ecstasy
    (and that’s not even a big enough word)
    to what you have the potential of becoming
    because it’s gonna keep being more,
    and keep being more, and keep being more
    you’re never gonna stop being at the beginning of your journey!
    It’s time to make peace with it, wherever it is.

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