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Auto Replay on YouTube

If you, like me, love to replay some video time and time again, this Google Chrome extension will be useful for you, too:

Auto Replay for YouTube – Chrome Web Store

It can even replay some specific portion of the clip! Especially useful in writing down those precious AH words, like those in “You’re the only player” post I did these days.

By the way, the link, with the title of the page and with the “a” html wrapping, I got through another extension:

Copy Title+URL to clipboard – Chrome Web Store

So convenient!!!!!

Several years ago I knew only Internet Explorer. Then a friend showed me Firefox. It was good! But on my computer it was too slow. And I didn’t even try Google Chrome, because that same friend said, that Google takes too much information from the users, and who knows where it may end up……. Thanks to Abraham, Bashar, all my practice, now, when I realized that I don’t have to worry about anything!! – now I can use anything I want to. :)

So I installed Google Chrome and oh am I pleased with it. :) It’s fast, beautiful (I installed a theme with green green grass), and has extension that make my work with the browser such a delight.

But if you’re using Firefox, I think you may look for similar extensions there, too – it may have them. :)

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