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Delicious pieces from yesterday’s AH workshop

  • if you’re willing to pay the big price of feeling good
  • you cannot be in a state of self-doubt and be of value to someone else
  • Source is on the case
  • Source is focused in you, when you’re happy
  • be sure of something you want, and then say “Now I know”
  • can you feel that alignment is a manifestation?
  • can you feel that feeling good is a manifestation?
  • when you’re trying to control the uncontrollable, it just holds you longer in the state of not alignment
  • the manifestation of the knowing
  • so stuff happens, and you have emotional manifestation, which you have control of
  • the manifestation is nothing without the emotion that is wrapped around it
  • so when you make it about an emotion, over which you have a full control, it’s like sneaking in the back door
  • when you resonate with something, you are it
  • are you finding yourself able to focus even with all of this distraction?
  • it was a feeling of well-being in her body, visceral enough for her to want it again
  • speaking about it doesn’t make it less specific, it makes it more specific
  • when you feel negative emotion, it’s an indication of your deprivating yourself of the thing that matters to you most – your alignment
  • I want all of me to be here in this moment
  • I can’t right now appreciate you, but it’s really not about you, it’s about me and my emotion
  • appreciate, when you’re in alignment, and go general, when you’re not
  • the more you reach for resonance and find it, the more you can’t bear it when you’re not in alignment
  • the potential of a great mess was in the works :)
  • a book of positive aspects is wonderful if you’re in the vicinity
  • you know what my issue is? issue is that I’m not playing with my Inner Being. I’m not playing fully, that’s all any issue ever is
  • after a while, you’re gonna show yourself, that when you have a good emotion, the [physical] manifestation follows
  • you can’t really be so happy and not get what you want. you must be waiting for your physical manifestation to be really happy, that’s the glitch (!!!!!)
  • it’s so nice, that you can eat only what you eat today, and this is how the manifestations work
  • appreciate as much as you can, but not pushing it beyond your ability
  • every thing that is a manifestation, is a result of energy flowing
  • you can’t just go wrong when looking for the reason to be happy now
  • you focus into reality the perfection of Source, the perfection of what you, at all the levels of your being, have desired
  • you can’t get it wrong, and you never get it done. It’s never done, it’s never done, there’s just more more more more more opportunities for you to discover and experience the fullness of who you are

Next workshop find here: Abraham-Hicks LIVE Workshops Schedule

What happiness is – basking in definitions

Here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=108779092548722
you can read all kinds of definitions from other people and add yours. It gives me smile and happiness, reading it.. :)

Happy weekend to you! :) Love. :)

All good things sometime start

In Russian, they say: “All good things have to end sometime.”

At some funny radio station, I suddenly heard it – they changed it to “All good things sometime start.” Do I love it :)

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Loving you, :)

From AH’s LIVE broadcast now

  • Elationship. Without r:relationship.
  • Never look back. Everything is forward. Never look back, or you only deprive yourself from Who You Have Become.
  • Most people look for a clue, a secret, how to manifest what they want, in order to look at it and feel better, while living in the Vortex and letting it manifest whatever it manifests is so much more satisfying.
  • The elation is yours, unless you do something that hinders it.
  • It’s better not to effort your way into the Vortex, but to do the easiest thing to get in, and then let the Vortex inspire the next actions from inside.
  • You can understand the answer best when you forgot you had the question. :) (Otherwise the burning vibration of question won’t let you hear the answer.)
  • You’re never alone, because you have the resources of Source with you.
  • There’s never a relationship that isn’t a part of what you’re becoming.
  • (delicious!) You’re not trying to get back into Paradise, you’re trying to get forward into the moreness that we all are.
  • In order to expand the Vortex, we need the contrast.
  • When you’re not in the Vortex, the Money cards are annoying to you, because they make you focus more specifically than you’re able to be.
  • Who cares? The question is, if you will let your Inner Being to laugh with you and play with you.
  • Let your Inner Being come to the party! :)
  • When you’re waking up from a bad dream, not “then there’s something to fix”, but “then there’s something to go general about”!
  • Totally.

I just love Abraham. :) And Jerry, and Esther, and all the Abers that we co-create it all with.

Such a passionate version of Summertime

(“Gene Harris – Summertime”: video)

I love the way he smiles

of course, the music, too, but his smile is so pure, so beautiful..

(“Erik Mongrain – AirTap!”: video)


(“Andy McKee – She”: video)

Have you heard Stanley Jordan?

A master..

(“Stanley Jordan – Stairway to Heaven”: video)


Daddy’s bathing the children :)

(“Daddy’s bathing the children”: video)