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Even though this quote speaks more of choosing (or not choosing) a “higher path”, I more resonate with this:
“It is what resonates in your heart; it is what draws you; it is the resonance of your experience, your beingness that you birthed into, that you have brought with you into this world. This is the realization of the freedom of what you are.”
Some thought is being birthed within me.. some realization. Like, I don’t need to be something I’m not. Instead, I could pay more attention to who I am..
Full quote:
“There no rightness to any particular role, to any particular path. You are not more right to be spiritual than a scientist. You are not more right to seek to help others than to only be concerned with yourself. It is what resonates in your heart; it is what draws you; it is the resonance of your experience, your beingness that you birthed into, that you have brought with you into this world. This is the realization of the freedom of what you are. As long as you believe there is any ‘higher’ path you are not free. You are instead caught in a mission to continually evolve an understanding of what the highest path is, and whatever that realization may be, so you must go.
That is not freedom. That is not ‘I Am’. That is to look out in the world and see it divided. It is to see it refracted across this belief in the existence of a higher path and it can only lead to separation and judgment.
You can be whatever you want to be. It is only from that basis that the question ‘Who do I want to be?’ is birthed. Instead of ‘Who am I?’ which presupposes that there is a plan to be revealed. There is no defined answer to ‘Who am I?’ You are ‘I Am’, Source, non-definition, clarity. What do you want to be? What do you want to experience? What attracts you? What are you attracted to? There is no right or wrong in this, simply the feeling of resonance in your heart. You are whatever you want to be.”
— Story Waters, Bringer of Light