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You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
“Many of you will have noticed these past few years have been ones of clearing the way, with periods of forward movement then periods of integration – integration that sometimes felt like regression. The ‘old’ mind (which sees the world based on how things were 5-10 years ago) often tells you this process is chaotic or that something is going wrong.
Yet this experience is playing out exactly as was predicted for a long time. These years were always about a great shift for the planet and us, its people. And the pattern for the last few years is that the shift takes place within us as much as outside of us.
2011 sees a noticeable difference. Where many of you have been energy surfing for a few years and now used to this ride, it has taught you to stay grounded through it all, to let go of control, surrender to what is, to feel what you’re feeling and simply ‘get on with it’ for you never know what’s coming next.
Well, January will see more of you ‘getting on with it’ more than ever before. This will give you a powerful energy up-shift for the month which will be in stark contrast to many people around you.”
January Energy Forecast – continue reading..
“If November and December saw you breaking more shackles than ever, know that January brings you the freedom you’ve been seeking these past years. That freedom begins with you and your energy, so throw yourself into whatever feels right and let the momentum carry you.
Go explore the world again…..”
I love it. :)
I just bought this book:
it’s such a delicious reading!
I downloaded from Amazon.com their Kindle for PC, and now I can stop waiting for the books to come: I can buy them and read immediately, and also it’s almost one-third in price, because I don’t need to pay for the delivery.
I think I will sometimes still buy the hardcover versions, but it’s so good to have an alternative. :)
Inspired by what Abraham-Hicks say at:
I just added a new checkpoint (to the collection of those you see on the right sidebar):
“The game I’m playing now, is it:
‘Isn’t it awful?’,
‘What if this awful thing happens?’
‘What if in this there is something VERY good?’,
‘Won’t it be wonderful to live what I want?’ and
‘What if this very thing leads me to where I want to be?’?”
Oh does it inspire me.. :)
I started the morning with a phrase “the unspeakable appreciation Source feels for you” – from the Guided Meditation by Abraham-Hicks.
And now this came.
So good for the New Year!
(“Abraham Hicks ♥ A New Resolve ♥”: video)
“It is my dominant intent to please myself.
I’m gonna be nicer to me.
I’m gonna be good to me.”
Happy New Year!! :)
See you in the Vortex! :)