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Savoring the Now moment..

Such beautiful feeling.. :)

“There will always be another merging of another idea,
And there will always be another launching of new rockets,
And there will always be another coming into alignment with that,
There will always be another experiential .. knowledge and understanding that comes from it.

We just cannot resist the opportunity
To continue to bring you back around
To the richness and the perfection and the deliciousness
of the Now moments.

And as you care more about how you feel,
And you allow yourself to savour more the fullness of Who You Are,
Then in that alignment with the wholeness of Who You Are,
Where it was, becomes irrelevant,
Where it’s becoming, becomes irrelevant,
But the Now is everything.

As Seth said,
Your Power is in the Now.” ~ AH

Feeling a little bit down? Watch this!

(“Andrew Maze – Knock, Knock [Official Lyric Video]”: video)

Absolutely amazing calmer-down, soother, Vortexer :)

I just started my morning with it.. I’m so happy. I feel it like such a precious gift for me. :)

(“Abraham – soothing general well-being -deconstructing chatter”: video)

I am so so appreciative. :)