Would you like to feel better faster?

Then this is for you :)

When you subscribe to the newsletter, you’ll get 2 free chapters of the “Allow Money” book and a series of emails, that will walk you through lovely self-coaching tools, with which you can always feel better faster and in a pleasant way!

Thank you!

  You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)

Just on time

“It’s about energy, not about action” – great timing for this reminder to me. :)

(“ABRAHAM HICKS Selling Products”: video)

I opened for myself this new coaching format..

..and found it excitingly useful:

we define “session” as two days of emails, back and forth, with my questions, client’s questions, my exercises, client’s results, summary. It gives both me and my client the time to do our vibrational ..play :) in a subtle, yet more thorough and expansive way.

If you wish to try it with me, contact me.