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For coach, writer, therapist, teacher, parent,…

Amazingly useful. I feel like re-thinking, re-basing all my consulting, coaching and writing, based on this principle:

Almost everyone is trying to teach people to change,
so that they can be more effective,

and there’s something sort of off about that,
because it implies, that there’s something wrong with where they are,
which is the opposite
of what you’re wanting to make them to understand.

You have to activate the rightness in people,
you have to activate your view of the perfection in people,
you have to activate your appreciation of people,

and that’s the thing that is most difficult about mentoring,

because in most cases the basic concept of mentoring says:
“I know something, that would be good for you,
that you haven’t figured out,
so you’re flawed in this way,
I do this for you because I see you’ve not been able to do it for yourself,”

and there’s such a vibrational downturn
in that basic premise that you begin with,
that most mentors never overcome it.

And that’s why most mentors gradually
move into just letting most of the people go by the wayside,
while they’re looking for the nuggets, and it’s the same old, same old..

And if you’re looking for the way to make a difference
that will give more people the edge of success,
then what you’re going to demonstrate is
not your ability to find them,
and not your ability to mentor them,
but your ability to believe the unbelievable.

That’s the big message.” ~ AH