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More thoughts about the emotional grid

Now I’m starting to understand – when for my quicker getting what I want, the Universe brings me some events I see as “negative”, or I just look at what is and don’t like it, then indeed it’s my seeing this event/state/thing as positive or negative – is all that defines, what I experience later:

when I choose to see it as negative, or just don’t diffuse the resistance that becomes observable, then my emotional grid becomes THAT – these feelings of frustration, worrying, etc.

when I choose to see it as help on my way, as a positive part of the process, my emotional grid is filled with positive feelings of security, harmony, confidence, love, and then it is correspondingly filled, and I feel it – on the level of thoughts, feelings, inspirations and events.

What a perfect, harmonious mechanism.. Life is a miracle itself. :)

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