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You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
One more piece from this AH LIVE, I just remembered. Abraham called it “the best discussion of food we’ve ever had.”
When someone asked, how to choose – I want to eat that twinkie, I don’t want to limit myself, but I also want my weight to go down, –
Abraham replied (not a precise quote):
“it’s not that we don’t want you to eat that twinkie,
it’s your connection with Source that you want to matter to you *the most*.
So if your eating twinkie undermines your connection with Source,
then tend to your connection first,
and when it doesn’t, then do whatever your heart is pleased to do.”
It is so clarifying, I’m just amazed. No more torturing over any food choices. “Just keep your alignment the top priority and if you see something you’re up to be doing, is going to break that connection, then stop to align and then..” :)
Now I’m starting to understand – when for my quicker getting what I want, the Universe brings me some events I see as “negative”, or I just look at what is and don’t like it, then indeed it’s my seeing this event/state/thing as positive or negative – is all that defines, what I experience later:
when I choose to see it as negative, or just don’t diffuse the resistance that becomes observable, then my emotional grid becomes THAT – these feelings of frustration, worrying, etc.
when I choose to see it as help on my way, as a positive part of the process, my emotional grid is filled with positive feelings of security, harmony, confidence, love, and then it is correspondingly filled, and I feel it – on the level of thoughts, feelings, inspirations and events.
What a perfect, harmonious mechanism.. Life is a miracle itself. :)