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A different wholeness, a different balance

I was in a course these days, teaching some interesting inner work: I was being each of three me I found, it gave interesting perspectives.

During the process, what one of those me asked another, was to light a candle and be there, all three of us. (I also felt it could be applicable in Morning Pages.)

Then when that course part ended, I came to my table, and realized I have there an arrangement of three candles. I thought, wow how symbolic, and I lighted them all, and I was feeling this union, how each of us is herself, and our union, of those who each has her own viewpoint, strength, view of life.. Beautiful feeling.

AND (those who know me more, know I use that instead of ‘but’ – Bashar suggested it and I loved it) when the candles were extinguished, I had an unpleasant feeling – that those me, what, extinguished?

And then I realized, that we are (ok, I am) taught always to be in balance, wholeness, providing “the two parts of the coin” – to compare pluses and minuses of a situation, to see “bad and good,” right? “To embrace both sides of life,” you know.

But then I realized, that those sides we (I) can choose ourselves.

For example: I remember it distinctly, that Esther was told by Abraham not to be upset about bad feeling book reviews, but then not to pay too much attention to the good feeling reviews, either, as it was a complex (at least that’s how I understood it then – that it was because it was a complex, bound together, two sides of the same coin, which was dependence in others’ opinions. I don’t remember what exactly was told by AH – and then again, if each new moment we are in a new reality – then there is a new AH even in the past now, and nothing can be certain, nor that it should be).

But now I felt-and-thought, that we could just choose other two sides of the coin, and then we could enjoy them all!

In case for the candles, instead of two sides as:
(1) when the candle is lighting, my parts are alive, and
(2) when the candle is not, my part is not –

I could choose the following two sides:

(1) when the candle is lighting, I can feel this externalized (and internal, a union of external and internal) being me, symbolicness of it, and
(2) when the candle extinguishes, the parts of me are just internal, or they show up symbolically in something else, maybe in the whole world.

You see?

And with Esther, what if instead of the following two sides:
(1) there’re people who love her books
(2) there’re people who don’t love their books

instead she could choose the following, for example:
(1) there’re people who love her books – as readers
(2) she on her side loves her books – both as reader and writer (I certainly know the pleasure of both sides :))

Isn’t it much more powerful and enjoyable? And then it would open like a fractal, like a flower, developing itself further! What an exciting perspective!

And it’s done with this simple shift, of where to have the wholeness, the balance.

When on the next day of the course I shared this insight, the course trainer told me, it sounds like, in a very soft organic way, disassembling <something> (I don’t remember exactly her words, something like maybe point of view, or state, or me, or something), and then reassembling it anew, in a way that serves me more.

Slight difference, great change – all as I love. :)
Thank you for being with me in this. :)

What helps me to handle others’ opinion

when I feel I’m ..not becoming happier with it.

The thought that helps me, is:

“I’m tempted to take into my focus as my point of view a perceived by me someone’s opinion.. that doesn’t even feel like my Source would confirm it (because it feels bad), so it’s not even serving for me to think that.”

And then I’m not trying to release the temptation, I can simply observe.

“I’m tempted to”, by the way, is a wonderful tool, recommended by Eloheim & The Councils:

(“Eloheim & Levels of Creating”: video)

And what helps you?

A new book for you, an orgasmic one :)

Olgasmic, the book

If you provide your answer, on how to turn thoughts into orgasmic ones, that would be wonderful!

It’s a title of my new book, just released:

“How to Turn
Any Rising Thought
Into an Orgasmic One:

How to Let a Rising Thought Be More Effective, Efficient,
Nurturing You With Pleasure”

Here’s the book description:

So you found a better feeling thought… What’s next?
Wouldn’t it be nice to milk it for more?
Wouldn’t it be flowing, from one good feeling thought to get to fly in beautiful alignment?
Wouldn’t it be sweet, to align easily, happily, in a delicious flow?
Wouldn’t it be benefiting you, to come to a higher frequency, while you’re enjoying the process?
Wouldn’t it be fun, to be aligning simply (but interestingly)?
The book will tell you how to do it, evoking in you some profound thinking, recognizing, realizing. Thoughts that will feel even better, and a vibration that is much higher, and a happiness ocean, flowing in you (or you basking in it).

See you in the book! :)

And what are your discoveries in working with your thoughts?

Simple question, powerful answer

I heard in Bashar’s seminar today (the “Cybo”), that addictions come when we feel not our true power, so it gives us the feeling of us being more powerful than we think we are, or we’re running this way in fear to feel not powerful enough – I guess, then it provides distraction.

I do have what I see as an addiction – reading fantasy books.

And today, when feeling the desire to go into a book, I simply asked myself (with no insistence, no blaming, no making myself do anything else): “If I knew now I’m powerful, what would I be doing?”

And as an answer I suddenly did something, that was truly big for me. For one day for sure. :)

Of course, it is Mars suddenly going direct, and the New Moon with all the great possibilities opening.

Or is it? :)

Simple question, powerful effect. Slight difference – big change. I love when it happens. :)

Answers :: How to handle a challenging situation?

To a question “My toddler drives me crazy and throws me out of alignment every day despite best efforts. Where am I going wrong?”, my answer:

I agree with @Stingray.. and disagree :)

I agree about doing the processes that align you, and I myself have the whole book about that “Unhurtable” ..even process, rather than notion.

I disagree about “giving buttons” and “becoming unhurtable forever”. Same as I disagree about looking for reasons of your situation. Because all that moves your focus away from just aligning and finding Your answers using Your inner GPS, Your inner guidance.

How about – this is just a stream, one of those you consist of (as each your desire forms one), and you’re just in the stage of it being expanded (by itself, for life’s and your sake) and not yet harmonized (by you).

(In projection to what AH teach, similar to step one and step three.)

So all you need to (want to) do is just seeking relief in every moment you feel not in harmony. Seeking relief by looking for a thought that lets you feel better in the situation you’re in.

As AH say, “Don’t seek improvement, don’t seek solution, just seek relief.”

What will happen, it will change your state in the stream, you might be even able to enjoy that same situation! And then the whole situation will change, as the every-moment-updated expression of your energy, of the ratio of harmonization in this your stream of this specific desire.

And you will be able to live in the current moment, not trying to solve the situation forever, just harmonizing in your every moment in the stream you find the most touching you then, or at all.

Why I disagree with looking for reasons – as AH say, “it’s a bottomless pit”. In every situation you will look for the “reasons” in that situation, when actually the “reason” is one: the pre-harmony (I prefer this title) in a great, exciting, satisfying stream of one of your deliciousest desires, found this way to express itself. That’s it. When you harmonize, it will find the way to express the harmony.

Why I disagree with “giving buttons” – because it looks blaming you and, more important, making you try to solve this “weakness”. Instead of harmonizing and praising your sensitivity in Feedback about your Emotional stance and your beliefs. When you align, it will become observable and rather simple.

And why I disagree with “seeking becoming unhurtable forever” – because you have a life to live, many lives to live, and your streams will expand, yielding for you new heights of happiness, – but in the beginning, when they expand, the pre-harmony will be finding its way to express itself, and you may spend a life in trying to “wrestle it to the ground and kill it, forever”, or you may just seek relief – the simplest, surest way to harmonize, and live currently, presently, enjoyingly, in every newly coming moment.

Be happy. :) You have all the reasons to.

By the way, you could take “Where am I going wrong?” as the first thought you will find a thought that feel better, from. I would probably recommend you not to go for big processes, at least at first, as they may too resemble “wrestling it to the ground and killing it forever”, trying to fix the situation in order to feel better, I would recommend simple small steps, like here. Good feeling to you. :)

What if

all happening is always only a springboard?

p.s. from the post revelation I was reminded of below,

“it’s how you use it.
And that’s why we simply say, circumstances don’t matter – not to discount them,
but to let you know it’s what meaning you decide to give them,
that determines, what effect you can extract from them.” ~ Bashar

Life is smart :) wise & caring.

Factor “O” and Factor “I”

A little inspirational something to share – a chapter in a book I’m writing, that helps me tremendously ♥ :)

One day I was sitting in some office, waiting for someone to come to a decision on something that felt important to me.

I was nervous. Then I caught myself being nervous and I realized, that it was about me feeling, how much influence their decision would have on me.

I paid attention that it felt bad, and I started to look for a thought that would feel better.

Practicing the vibrational work a lot, I already knew, that I could not (at least not immediately) simply ignore what would happen.

But then I thought: “Okay, it will only be factor ‘O'” – this thought just popped into my mind all by itself, and I understood to myself, that “O” surely meant “Outside” – meaning, that this circumstance will be a factor in how I feel, at least in the beginning, but there will also be another factor – factor “I”, “Inside”.

I loved this thought and realized, that it will always be a proportion between those two factors at work within me: how much I let the outer circumstances influence the way I feel, vs. how I work it out vibrationally, so that I could feel good “unconditionally”, as AH call it.

I immediately thought of adding these factors to this book, and thought that I should make it clear that factor “O” was the letter “O”, not zero. But then I thought, that actually factor “O” looks like 0 (zero), and factor “I” like 1 (one), which is also so nice and descriptive: depending on the circumstances, on the conditions is like a vibrational zero, and being aligned from inside, having the full energy desire and being the Source (I love it more than connection with Source) is absolutely one, One even. How perfect, isn’t it? :)

I wrote in my notebook, while waiting:

“I’m worried about the condition, as if it will be the one that will define my experience. While it can only be a factor “O”, while I have factor “I”, too, and it is an important one, too. At least.

It’s not the ultimate “it won’t matter”, it’s not my “my experience is only defined vibrationally, so it won’t matter, what will happen physically – it will always express my vibration, which I can work on”, but this is the beginning.

And if I’m afraid, there’s more [vibrational] work to do = more power to acquire.”

Later I realized, that “O” can also be seen as “outer”, “others”, and “I” as me! Meaning then is becoming more clarified to me having Me to have my opinion on the situation, to respond by choice, not with a default reaction.

* Someone said that responsible is “response-able”. :)

* Eloheim & The Councils formulate the fourth level (if I’m correct) as “I’m taking responsibility for my reaction to my creation.”

“Opinions” vs. “I”, my saying, my decision of perception. Perfect image, isn’t it? As everything that comes on aligning. :)

..My mind later couldn’t stop, bringing me more and more ideas of the associated words. And it was a nice game to have. Very supportive, building, inducing realization.

“Ornery”, “outlined”, “obedient”, “objective”, “observing” (conditions), “obsolete”, “overvalued”, “occasional”, “overwhelment” vs. “inspired”, “instinctive”, “Inner Being”, “invincible”, “ideal” (in the Vortex meaning), “intent”, “ignition”, “imagination”, “immortal”, “important”, “improvement”, “improvisation” etc. What’s yours?

Summary: Factor “O” and factor “I” – a convenient image/model to remember, to align quicker and feel better.

Practical exercise, based on new understanding: If it’s fun, you can see in your streams the proportion of these two factors, and the influence of which one of them (if at all) you would want to increase.

Question to think: What could be a simple, easy, lovely way to increase the influence of factor “I”?

For me it could be finding a soothing thought, a relief. “What if it’s not THAT bad?” or something like this.

Interesting, that when I did my 3ct later, after “What if it’s not THAT bad?” I added: “And even if it is, I still have my factor “I” in addition. Meaning, I won’t be absolutely helpless in this situation, I will still have my factor “I” with me.” And it felt good. :)

What a beautiful, beautiful article! :)

“When you’re living a distracted life, every minute must be accounted for. You feel like you must be checking something off the list, staring at a screen, or rushing off to the next destination. And no matter how many ways you divide your time and attention, no matter how many duties you try and multi-task, there’s never enough time in a day to ever catch up.

That was my life for two frantic years. My thoughts and actions were controlled by electronic notifications, ring tones, and jam-packed agendas. And although every fiber of my inner drill sergeant wanted to be on time to every activity on my overcommitted schedule, I wasn’t.

You see, six years ago I was blessed with a laid-back, carefree, stop-and-smell-the roses type of child.”

Continue to read here

My little daughter one day, when I was hurrying her up “quicker, quicker,” suddenly took me by the hand, made me sit on a bench and said: “Mom, but what if now it’s that moment?””

I was shocked :) and just sat there with her, suddenly noticing green grass, birds singing, beautiful day around us. :)

Interesting.. (on associations)

Listening to Tony Robbins’ “Personal Power” now (it’s a part of “Get the Edge”), I hear him talking about the associations and how they’re key to everything – if we don’t act on something, or don’t like something, that means we have pain associations with it, and if we act and/or like, we have a pleasure association.

He even mentioned something I never associated (pun intended :)) this way before: he said, that in concentration camps, people were looking for a sense, and those who found the sense in all that was happening, could continue to live. So Tony said, “sense” is just an association we have with something: if it makes sense to us, we have a pleasure association, and vice versa.

So is the sense in life?..

So it all reminded (associated :)) to me three things:

1) Bashar’s “all things, all events are neutral.” And our “perception” is our association, isn’t it?

2) High Flying Disc (HFD, by Abraham state of high energy) – don’t we then rise to HFD when we have a pleasure association with some subject? And we’re on LFD when we have a pain association with it. So a way to rise vibrationally, is to find some pleasure associations with the subject at hand.

Actually, Abraham speaks about it all the time – “get on the HFD and then..,” “distract yourself in something pleasurable and then..” – I just never saw it in this association light.

3) Sometimes we find it hard to believe in something if it doesn’t make sense to us – even if it does feel good, but doesn’t feel “true.” Could we possibly work with our associations on that subject then, in order to find ourselves able to believe what would actually serve us better?

Food for thought. :)

So sweet :)

In my recent aligning I paid attention, that when I write a program, I tend to take every aspect that I don’t know (yet), how to implement, as “I suck, I’m a failure, I know nothing.”

Now in my recent new-style programming, when I align, and then let the alignment express itself through new code, me riding the wave, – I said, okay, I tend to take it so, but I can also say: it’s an opening question, to which the new alignment will bring beautiful answers. It felt so much better!

So I started to call these “I don’t know how in the world it can be implemented at all!” – preview, thumbnails of what will be given to me in the new alignment.

And now I’m listening to an EC workshop, back 2 years ago, and suddenly hear there: “it’s the new level’s invitation being revealed.” What a beautiful wording! What a sweet reply :) cooperative rendezvouzing at its bestest :) ♥ Woohoo!! :) I love my life, so much. :) ♥