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Surprisingly, an immediately awakening question

“What is your favorite color?”

I just heard it in this video:

(“Bashar – About other people”: video)

and realized, that it’s good for me to ask myself this question maybe several times a day – it brings me inside, to myself, to my desires, to my center. Simple question and suddenly so effective :)

In this video above, Bashar could even not ask this question – he could give an example with any color. But then I realized, that asking her this question, he did do something with the energy, tipped the balance to a more aligned state. Got access to a more aligned state.

I remember, Bashar said once, that our favorite color at the time is related to our Signature vibration, and so it’s good to immerse ourselves in the color we feel at a moment as our preferred color. Now it all comes together.

Good to know :)

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