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(“Searching for a Life Partner ~ Mooji”: video)
“Use your time to really have some undisturbed time to focus on your own self, be secure in yourself. So that when the time comes, when life brings you one who is suited to you – This is the gift in fact! You don’t have to go searching! – someone will come, unexpectedly. But you will recognize somehow inside.. And then you will bring into this your fullness. What a beautiful thing!”
“If someone looks deep into your eyes and says ‘You fulfill me,’ run fast.
If someone says to you ‘I cannot live without you,’ run like the wind.
If someone says to you ‘Before you I was nothing,’ go running and screaming into the woods.
If someone says to you ‘I like you pretty good, let’s see how it goes,’ say ‘Alright :)’
If someone says ‘I’m having a really wonderful day, and you keep coming into my mind,’ then say ‘Hmm.. we might be meant to be together’.” ~ AH
Do you know this word? I just became familiar with it. And this is what I found:
Reposted from Wildmind Buddhist Meditation