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You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
“The word “hope” feels good, doesn’t it? The word “adventure” feels good, doesn’t it? The feeling, fulfilling my dreams, satisfying experience, living happily ever after, making the world a better place. Feeling happy in the moment. What does the word “laughter” make you feel? “Oh, it was so funny I could not stop laughing. I laughed and laughed ‘til tears washed away my eyelashes. It was the funniest thing I ever saw. The combination of knowing what I know and seeing that, evoked such humor from me that every time I think about it I still laugh. “It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Took my breath away. Every time I think about it, I go right back to that same feeling-place. It was the cutest little dog I have ever seen, he licked my face, I can still feel him against my face. I picked up that baby, and my heart melted. It was as if we were one. I remember our first kiss. Fireworks. I love this bed. I love this feeling of Well Being. I love my pillow. I love my car. Computers are amazing. Electricity flows. Prosperity abounds. Commerce is thriving. People’s wanting is heightened. More people opening to more Energy. Abundance abounding. I don’t have to lie awake in my bed at night and keep my blood flowing. I am tended to at such a spectacular, intense, deliberate, particular, poignant, positive level. The Earth spins in its orbit in perfect proximity to other planets. The water content remains perfect upon our planet. The oxygen remains perfect for us to breathe. The plants continue to regenerate. Food upon this planet is a sure thing. Well-Being truly does abound, doesn’t it?” ~ AH