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From AH’s LIVE broadcast now

  • Elationship. Without r:relationship.
  • Never look back. Everything is forward. Never look back, or you only deprive yourself from Who You Have Become.
  • Most people look for a clue, a secret, how to manifest what they want, in order to look at it and feel better, while living in the Vortex and letting it manifest whatever it manifests is so much more satisfying.
  • The elation is yours, unless you do something that hinders it.
  • It’s better not to effort your way into the Vortex, but to do the easiest thing to get in, and then let the Vortex inspire the next actions from inside.
  • You can understand the answer best when you forgot you had the question. :) (Otherwise the burning vibration of question won’t let you hear the answer.)
  • You’re never alone, because you have the resources of Source with you.
  • There’s never a relationship that isn’t a part of what you’re becoming.
  • (delicious!) You’re not trying to get back into Paradise, you’re trying to get forward into the moreness that we all are.
  • In order to expand the Vortex, we need the contrast.
  • When you’re not in the Vortex, the Money cards are annoying to you, because they make you focus more specifically than you’re able to be.
  • Who cares? The question is, if you will let your Inner Being to laugh with you and play with you.
  • Let your Inner Being come to the party! :)
  • When you’re waking up from a bad dream, not “then there’s something to fix”, but “then there’s something to go general about”!
  • Totally.

I just love Abraham. :) And Jerry, and Esther, and all the Abers that we co-create it all with.