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Sweet daisies :)

My aunt just came from Barcelona. She brought many beautiful photo, but this one just so touched me, triggered me, .. I don’t know, it’s just mine.. you know :)

Two little emotional ladders

  1. “What if instead of calling it my problem

    I call it my project?”

  2. “Why do I do that?! Why cannot I do something else?…” – blaming myself for doing something not the way I think I should..

    ..reminding myself of that little tip Neale Donald Walsh gives in “Happier than God”: to replace blame with gratitude to God.. applying it to this situation.. recognizing, that gratitude would feel much better than blame.. applying it to this situation… starting to see it differently..

    “Oh, thank God I have options.. I can behave that way and this way. I have diversity. I can choose from. I appreciate it. I really appreciate it.”

    and then I have this sweet sweet feeling, life is good.. :)
