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I agree to it :)

from Daniel Scranton

Coming Home

Just choose

I came to see 9 principles Bashar mentions, the 9 unlimited powers we hold. They are:

1. Perceive
2. Choose
3. Act
4. Experience
5. Reflect
6. Learn
7. Grow
8. Transcend
9. Forget (the outdated, so that we could move forward)

Many things impressed me in this, but especially that immediately after “Perceive” there’s “Choose”: we see something? We immediately discern, if that’s what we prefer, and immediately choose, which vibration we now step into.

No going into “why I deserved this”, no doubting, if we deserve better, no “why I attracted this in the first place”, no arguing with the circumstances – just choosing, which vibration we prefer now, based on perceiving this experience and observing our feelings, and stepping into this vibration, now.

Sounds similar to what AH said, to immediately discern and “give our undivided attention” to the vibration we prefer.

I am choosing it now.

“Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different;

enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes; being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way.”
~ James Baraz

Amazingly opening speech by Brené Brown

So much more than just what the title says, both of my post and of the video.

She speaks so down to Earth, knowing from inside all how it goes, addressing the most vulnerable places, offering solutions that feel good and satisfy and allow to go forward with loving, open heart.

Thank you, the world, for bringing it to me :)

(“Brené Brown: Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count”: video)

Love it

Good point to focus in, upon and beyond :)

“What all of you want is a sense of Well-being.” ~ AH

What helps me to handle others’ opinion

when I feel I’m ..not becoming happier with it.

The thought that helps me, is:

“I’m tempted to take into my focus as my point of view a perceived by me someone’s opinion.. that doesn’t even feel like my Source would confirm it (because it feels bad), so it’s not even serving for me to think that.”

And then I’m not trying to release the temptation, I can simply observe.

“I’m tempted to”, by the way, is a wonderful tool, recommended by Eloheim & The Councils:

(“Eloheim & Levels of Creating”: video)

And what helps you?

“The most important thing you need to not be afraid of –

is, you need to not be afraid of looking silly.

You need to not be afraid of not looking
what other people think of as ‘professional’.

You can BE professional, but
you don’t necessarily have to be professional in exactly the way
others might expect you to be,
to be professional.

And you will never really be as professional as you can be
if you don’t center yourself,
to be the person you are.” ~ Bashar

A new book for you, an orgasmic one :)

Olgasmic, the book

If you provide your answer, on how to turn thoughts into orgasmic ones, that would be wonderful!

It’s a title of my new book, just released:

“How to Turn
Any Rising Thought
Into an Orgasmic One:

How to Let a Rising Thought Be More Effective, Efficient,
Nurturing You With Pleasure”

Here’s the book description:

So you found a better feeling thought… What’s next?
Wouldn’t it be nice to milk it for more?
Wouldn’t it be flowing, from one good feeling thought to get to fly in beautiful alignment?
Wouldn’t it be sweet, to align easily, happily, in a delicious flow?
Wouldn’t it be benefiting you, to come to a higher frequency, while you’re enjoying the process?
Wouldn’t it be fun, to be aligning simply (but interestingly)?
The book will tell you how to do it, evoking in you some profound thinking, recognizing, realizing. Thoughts that will feel even better, and a vibration that is much higher, and a happiness ocean, flowing in you (or you basking in it).

See you in the book! :)

And what are your discoveries in working with your thoughts?

“A little known secret concerning life in the jungles of time and space

is that however far you reach, you will go farther. However great your dream, it will be grander. And however much you love, you will be loved much more.
We call it the law of increasing returns.

Love you much more,
The Universe”

came 8 years ago in Notes from The Universe and just reminded me of itself. Thank you, The Universe, for your caring! :)