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You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
So much more than just what the title says, both of my post and of the video.
She speaks so down to Earth, knowing from inside all how it goes, addressing the most vulnerable places, offering solutions that feel good and satisfy and allow to go forward with loving, open heart.
Thank you, the world, for bringing it to me :)
(“Brené Brown: Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count”: video)
Yes, this is an official jump, opening for me: I will be writing here about WordPress, too, and all my wonders with it. Especially when there’re so many. :)
Of course I’m continuing with all my self-coaching joy, AND I will be writing about my programming and other joys here, too. I am officially giving myself permission to it. :)
Why do I even need this permission? I just felt, that I as if feel, that the blog, the way it is, defines, what is to be written here. Yet, it is me, my blog, where I write what is essential joy for me, so what if from defining it as “self-coaching oriented”, it would be “all-that-interests-me” oriented? After all, this is what “Allowing Life” is :)
So, to the subject topic: I just found yesterday, that I can redefine the way WordPress works with scheduled tasks. Instead of running wp-cron.php on every page loaded, I found, that this mechanism can be disabled, and instead, wp-cron.php can be called from my server. Releasing the page loads, and also making this cron work more precise, more reliable.
The additional bonus of all that I just discovered, was that my server also gives me the option to be sent all output from those wp-cron.php runs. And it already helped me several times today – sending some reports on what I would not pay attention to myself, or just would not pay attention to that this soon, or wouldn’t find where it is, that soon, etc.
Besides, it’s just nice, to know that I am being kept notified. It is set in such a way, that when there is no output, it doesn’t send anything, so I only get emails useful for me.
And my feeling is – relief. I feel cared for. Easy. Knowing. Free. Loving. Excited with all these technologies that make our life easier and more convenient, add more comfort. Yay to us all :)
Other plugins I’m exploring now: WP Better Emails, SendGrid, WP eMember and several others. And you?