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You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
It’s a title of my new book, just released:
“How to Turn
Any Rising Thought
Into an Orgasmic One:
How to Let a Rising Thought Be More Effective, Efficient,
Nurturing You With Pleasure”
Here’s the book description:
See you in the book! :)
And what are your discoveries in working with your thoughts?
is that however far you reach, you will go farther. However great your dream, it will be grander. And however much you love, you will be loved much more.
We call it the law of increasing returns.
Love you much more,
The Universe”
came 8 years ago in Notes from The Universe and just reminded me of itself. Thank you, The Universe, for your caring! :)
One of that kind of songs I love listening to, in the middle of the night, in big headphones. It seems then to take over the whole world. :)
At first when I saw the lyrics, I didn’t quite understand, what it was about. But later my aunt told me something unpleasant, and I felt inside this choice: the hurt or remembering our good loving times.
I put this song just to calm myself. But then I heard the lyrics, and they suddenly came in with all their help (see below, every word there seems important to me now).
Very therapeutic and beautiful.
(“Poets of the fall ~ Sleep”: video)
“‘How do I know the vibration of that which I do not currently have or experience?’ And the answer to that question is that you do have it. It is within you, and when you start to see it that way, it becomes easier. As long as you are holding that which you desire outside of yourself, and holding yourself apart from it by believing that you do not know how to get it, you will not find the vibration of it.
And as soon as you look within yourself for the vibration, you will not only find it, you will be able to hold it for as long as you like. Because what is inside of you cannot elude you, it cannot be separate from you. You are it, and it is you. And when you know that, when you embody that vibration, then that is the reflection that will show itself to you.
Now, the vibration is not detail-oriented. You do not have to worry about getting it just right. You do not have to wonder whether you are holding the right vibration for that which you wish to experience.
All you have to do is know what the essence of your desire is, and that is not very specific. So when you reach within yourself for the vibration of that which you desire, just know that you know intuitively what the essence of that desire is, and you will find it. And then the desire will find you.”
I heard in Bashar’s seminar today (the “Cybo”), that addictions come when we feel not our true power, so it gives us the feeling of us being more powerful than we think we are, or we’re running this way in fear to feel not powerful enough – I guess, then it provides distraction.
I do have what I see as an addiction – reading fantasy books.
And today, when feeling the desire to go into a book, I simply asked myself (with no insistence, no blaming, no making myself do anything else): “If I knew now I’m powerful, what would I be doing?”
And as an answer I suddenly did something, that was truly big for me. For one day for sure. :)
Of course, it is Mars suddenly going direct, and the New Moon with all the great possibilities opening.
Or is it? :)
Simple question, powerful effect. Slight difference – big change. I love when it happens. :)