Would you like to feel better faster?
You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
This play consists of 3 steps.
With the first step, you define your current feelings regarding some situation (or just in general, but still – how you feel now), in 3 nouns, 3 verbs and 3 adjectives.
With the second, you define how you prefer to feel, regarding that subject or in general. Again 3, 3, 3.
The third step is the most challenging. :) When you’re just starting the first step, the third feels absolutely impossible. More than that, you may feel strong resistance to do the third step, I’ll explain why.
So what is it, this third step? (now you may want to run away) :)
But this is what mostly allows the manifestation to come.
And it is what gives you the peace of mind, now, right now,
even on the most painful subjects.
You’re taking the preferred feelings you defined in step 2, and find each of these feelings in your current circumstances. Even the glimpses of it. Even some situations when you could feel it in your current circumstances.
The more you find it, the more, the easier, the faster the circumstances to demonstrate it will come.
So why is it such a challenge?
Someone said; “But if I find all the feelings of abundance in my current circumstances, I feel like the Universe would say then, ‘ok, she already has what she wants’, and then it won’t bring me the real abundance.”
Because it feels like we can be given what we want, only if we prove that otherwise it’s bad for us. Understandable. :)
It is that old-trained image of the world, that whatever resources are out there, we need to deserve them, we need to earn them, to work for getting them. We need to behave. To comply. To fit. To prove we really need it.
But actually, what’s in your Vortex, is yours. It wants to come to you, and it’s its call that you feel as your desire.
Meaning, you don’t need to deserve it in order to get it.
And when you find wherever you only can, the feelings you believe to have when the dream comes true, you connect with the Energy that is You, with the energy of that dream, desire, preference, and then your desire can realize itself into physicality. Can you afford yourself the joy to feel it?
And really… isn’t it delicious to feel it all right now? Not waiting for the external reason to experience those feelings? :)
So, here’s an example of 3-3-3 workout play on money.