Would you like to feel better faster?
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You will be very valued as my subscriber. Loved. Given gifts. Pampered. Welcome. :)
Some of my tuning in and realizations:
“I’m trying to squeeze from me the physical writing of the book.
This is not the goal.
The goal isn’t to harass me into the writing,
nor to align me into the writing,
my goal is going into the Vortex in the stream of this subject.
My goal is to soften, soothe any thoughts I have about that.
My goal is to find the joyful spark, tread the joyful path,
find ease in it,
lighten up,
align so,
that the expression of this stream in my life turns to be answeets, ease, fun.
My goal is just to feel better!
And if this is the subject that rises up in me now –
then this is where I will align in,
and it will turn into the Happiness it is,
it will show me its bright side it already has.
It already has.
My work is to tune in, to see it.
And it is interesting,
all this theme is interesting,
and I love writing,
I’m going to write :) now I’m interested in it more.
Or not, I’m not that interested yet: it’s not Hell Yes yet.
So back to aligning.
But it already feels better,
and I have the feeling, that I stepped up from where I’ve been.
That’s what’s important.
The results will show up by themselves –
and whether they are expressed in writing or in anything else
(oh and I want it to be expressed in writing, because now I want to write!)
I love it that I feel better now already!”
I made a clip today from one other AH clip I found on YouTube (I left only the delicious part of it, the useful part for me, and gave it a name that was delicious for me. Source really enjoys it through me :))
Here it is:
(“Abraham-Hicks – Rampage of Happy Writing (good for NaNoWriMo)”: video)
Happy Writing! :)
Or softer: Happy Feeling! :)