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74 years young

(“Buddy Guy – 74 years young”: video)

I’ll love being 74 years young. :) And Buddy Guy.. since I first heard his What Kind of Woman Is This, I fell in love with him. :)

When my mind needs a break

..I put this:

(“LifeFlow – Deep relaxation”: video)

close my eyes, relax.. and in 14 minutes (6 minutes to enter the alpha state and then 8 minutes of actual meditation to enjoy it), I feel renewed and refreshed. I start feeling calm and peaceful. “Issues” that occupied my mind before, stop being so relevant for how I feel. Life becomes easier. :)

For me these LifeFlow meditations were also very useful when I was in a very loaded workshop: in longer breaks I went to my room and listened. It helped me to release the tension and get back on track really quick.

Calm music for a weekend

It’s a playlist of nice, pleasant, relaxing songs for a weekend:

click here to listen to them on YouTube

heard today on Russian Moscow Relax FM radio. If (not so many) ads in Russian in between will not annoy you, you may try and listen to it here. It is my absolutely favorite radio. :) Especially on Friday eves..