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I call it my project?”
..reminding myself of that little tip Neale Donald Walsh gives in “Happier than God”: to replace blame with gratitude to God.. applying it to this situation.. recognizing, that gratitude would feel much better than blame.. applying it to this situation… starting to see it differently..
“Oh, thank God I have options.. I can behave that way and this way. I have diversity. I can choose from. I appreciate it. I really appreciate it.”
and then I have this sweet sweet feeling, life is good.. :)
haha…I usually say to those around me ‘Life is a game. I’m playing and today I have a ‘challenge’ to unravel and solve.’
If someone tells me they have a BIG problem, I say ‘you mean challenge!’ Some people get really annoyed though….tee hee
they do :)) it’s a whole another issue, by itself.. yesterday I was with my aunt, and caught myself that, when she starts with one more string of complaining, I was trying to switch the subject. She didn’t like it :)
Bashar says, and Abraham has something on that subject, too, that we could practice just accepting them where they are, because what we really can stand, is that they bring us out the Vortex.
I remember once speaking to the doctor, and realized that I was trying to convince her in my point of view ..drums please.. so that she doesn’t convince me in her point of view! :)
but isn’t it a pleasure, when we’re speaking to someone, knowing our power, and knowing our happiness, and being aligned.. and then catch a glimpse that we only wished we could see in this person.. and suddenly we see it. :)
I love your comment, thank you! :) “Life is a game” is so lightening me up, I will take it. :)