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Such sweet words

‎”When your desire for connection becomes your dominant intent …
ahhhh! The orchestration that unfolds before you
leaves you feeling loved and bathed and soothed
and tended to and known and nurtured …
In other words, evidence is everywhere.” ~ AH

Food choices: the new clarification

One more piece from this AH LIVE, I just remembered. Abraham called it “the best discussion of food we’ve ever had.”

When someone asked, how to choose – I want to eat that twinkie, I don’t want to limit myself, but I also want my weight to go down, –

Abraham replied (not a precise quote):

“it’s not that we don’t want you to eat that twinkie,
it’s your connection with Source that you want to matter to you *the most*.

So if your eating twinkie undermines your connection with Source,
then tend to your connection first,
and when it doesn’t, then do whatever your heart is pleased to do.”

It is so clarifying, I’m just amazed. No more torturing over any food choices. “Just keep your alignment the top priority and if you see something you’re up to be doing, is going to break that connection, then stop to align and then..” :)

More thoughts about the emotional grid

Now I’m starting to understand – when for my quicker getting what I want, the Universe brings me some events I see as “negative”, or I just look at what is and don’t like it, then indeed it’s my seeing this event/state/thing as positive or negative – is all that defines, what I experience later:

when I choose to see it as negative, or just don’t diffuse the resistance that becomes observable, then my emotional grid becomes THAT – these feelings of frustration, worrying, etc.

when I choose to see it as help on my way, as a positive part of the process, my emotional grid is filled with positive feelings of security, harmony, confidence, love, and then it is correspondingly filled, and I feel it – on the level of thoughts, feelings, inspirations and events.

What a perfect, harmonious mechanism.. Life is a miracle itself. :)

New notion from Abraham: Emotional Grid

A little about the new teachings

AH gave a new notion: emotional grid. Meaning, when we come into alignment with our desire, more and more, we establish the *emotional grid*, that is there to stay (at least, if these are the emotions that we prefer to have on that subject).

Law of Attraction then fills this grid with thoughts, ideas, events, people, rendezvouz, all the materialized stuff.

But the emotional grid – we’re responsible for setting it up. Actually, we anyway are doing it: regarding every subject we already have an emotional grid, just think about the subject and you’ll feel it.

And as is the quality of the emotional grid (quality not in the meaning of good-bad, but more of its emotional content), the filling is of the same quality.

Interesting, isn’t it?

When they said it, it settled SO well within me, as if they worded something *I* came to, that day, that moment, that minute..

And I realized then (indeed contrast rules!), that earlier I’ve been taking the “emotion as the first manifestation” more like a tool: that I come to emotion I want to have, and then the Universe “substitutes”, “exchanges” the emotion to the physical manifestation, and then I’ll live :))

Of course, I’m taking it to the extreme, of course, I felt the excitement and the woosh and the joy of the ride, of the journey, but when they said “emotional grid”, I realized, how much in comparison with that I took the emotional manifestation and the journey to be just a tool, that will bring me to the “real thing”.

(And it is me, knowing so well the joys of the vibrational journey, of conjuring the new emotion!.. I guess I’m more thinking now about some subject, where I so want to live the physical..:))

Bashar had this dialogue:

“Do you know personally, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the being you desire to be, you are capable of being?

Yes, I know that.

All right. Then start using that certainty to your advantage. If you know you have the capability of imagining what you would like to be, understand, as we have said, that your ability to imagine what you would like to be is your ability to be that person, that version of you.

If you have the ability to conceive how you want to be, at the moment you conceive it, you are that person. But when you deny your imagination your reality and say, “Okay, I’ve imagined what I would like to be; now what do I have to see, what do I have to do, to become this idea?” you are placing all the steps in your way that it’s taking for you to get there.

Your ability to imagine that person is being that person — because if you weren’t of that vibration, you wouldn’t be able to picture it!

The events in your life can only be 100% reflective of the person you have decided you are. Allow yourself to recognize that your ability to even imagine there is another way to be, is being the other way.

All you need is a basic trust that at any given moment you have what you need; you know everything you need to know to be who you are being in that moment. As soon as you redefine who you are, you will know the things that person needs to know, regardless of what you’re seeing around you.

But these blocks within us — what are these blocks?

It is only your assumption that there is some mysterious “how” that needs to be known before you will act in the manner you desire.

You don’t have to wait for a reason to be happy in order to know you prefer to be happy. Create the effect of being happy, and you will attract into your lives all of the causes to support the happiness you have created … just because you want to. And just because you say so. Because you are the creators of your reality, there doesn’t need to be any other why or how. What you say goes!”

And now with the “emotional grid” it’s so clear: we just come to the emotions we desire to live, and we establish them, not as a tool, but as something we intend to live. And then the path is so clear: we just *be* it, conjuring (I love this word, Abraham gave it in this sense on Sep 24) the emotions we prefer on this subject, new and new nuances, we live the emotional grid, and Law of Attraction then fills it exactly with stuff, corresponding to the emotional quality of this carcass..

And then the “slowing down” by the need to speed up the process of the physical manifestation, by any worry about it, is so understandable, too: this worry also becomes a part of our grid! And is then filled with stuff alike. No wonder it slows the process of getting the physical manifestation we prefer, down: we all the time build the grid, rebuild the grid, build the grid, rebuild the grid,.. The Universe isn’t “slow” in bringing us what we want, it is busy filling the grid all the time up to its new qualities. :)

I intend in the coming days to upload the AH’s explanation from the workshop – it just was in several pieces, I want to do a mix, to gather all the important parts. Stay tuned :)

Emotional ladder

In the group I’m now leading, The Pleasure and Art of Feeling Healthy & Beautiful
(you’re welcome to join us! :))
every day I’m adding a new activity to engage in, to practice our preferences in our health and beauty.

Today’s Activity is about one of my very basic techniques, on which all my focus delights are built. I so enjoyed writing it, it was just flowing.. :)

Here it is:

Today’s activity is challenging, interesting, relieving.. and unusual. :)

First I want to ask you:
Do you feel, that emotional pain represents a stream of energy, that contains joy that we can ..unlock from there? And the more intensive the pain is (or shame, or fear), the more intensive the joy will be that we’ll let out from that stream?

If you said “yes” :) I encourage you to take today a place that is most challenging for you regarding your health and (can be exercised separately, too) beauty. The more reward it will give you both immediately and in the long run.

If you feel it’s just too stiff, then take something less intensive, try on that and then if you wish, come back to those most challenging issues. The most joy awaits there, in the form of relief.

What trips us up the most in our vibrational journey, is the criterion we choose for thinking a thought: usually it is “if it’s true”. And we know that that path is doomed: “true” is something that already “is”, if we always state what “is”, we will never shift to anything new.

So now we will try to shift to a new criterion “if it feels better” and really feel it!

Now take that something in your health or beauty, that you can, looking at it with your “normal people honesty and objectiveness”, not covering any unpleasant feelings, call “not wanted”.

Probably your set-point about it will be “it’s bad” (that you have that).

If it is a higher set-point, then later in the ladder you may choose a higher statement that more suits you.

Now take a statement “maybe it’s not THAT, AWFULLY bad”.

The criterion that we have ingrained, “if it’s true”, will start to look for “the true estimate” – is it really bad or really not that bad?

But you want to listen to something else.

Take again that thought “It’s bad”. Notice, how it *feels*.

Then move to “maybe it’s not THAT, AWFULLY bad” and notice how IT *feels*.

Then switch again back and forth, back and forth, until you feel, that there’re actually are two components:

one – the physical “fact” you have in your focus,

and two – how the way you think about it, matters to you!

If you don’t feel it yet, and just feel some resistance when trying “maybe it’s not THAT, AWFULLY bad”, then you just haven’t felt it yet, continue to switch back and forth, and feel how on the ESTIMATION “it’s bad” something contracts in you, and on “maybe it’s not THAT, AWFULLY bad” – it expands. Feel the breath of fresh air you have on “maybe it’s not THAT, AWFULLY bad”.

Can you really feel it?

When you do find the difference, try to switch several more times, the difference will become more and more clear. And then, when you’re switching to “maybe it’s not THAT, AWFULLY bad”, breathe in (lightly!) the light, the relief, that you feel there.

Enjoy this freed energy, this burst of good feeling. Breathe it in. Feel how it now takes all your attention, how you’re drawn to it, how you stop caring what “really” is there, you just love this feeling and it takes you all…..

Do you feel it?

When you feel you’ve ..kind of satisfied with this celebration and eager to move forward, then take the next pair of statements:

“maybe it’s not THAT, AWFULLY bad”
“what if it contains not only bad, but also good for me?”

Remember, we’re never trying to affirm! Never trying to force ourselves into taking the next statement, never! Otherwise we do not truly shift, something inside us stays where we were, we just “cover it with the smile stick”.

Only honest comparing of the feeling inside that we get from one estimation and from the next. The first, the next, the first, the next. Back and forth. Until we again feel the difference and it grows within us, and we start enjoying it, breathing it in, tending to it “no matter what”, until it takes us all.

Then when you’re satisfied with the celebration and eager to continue, play with the next statements:

“what if it contains not only bad, but also good for me?”
“what if the good it contains, is more valuable and important for me, than the bad?”
“what if the good it contains, is valuable and important for me?”
“what if it’s not just good for me, but wonderful?”
“it’s wonderful for me”

Do not just go through the ladder, trying to compare all the sentences all together, because while you may choose what feels best for you, but you won’t really shift the set-point of the subject at hand.

Always take and compare just two consecutive statements. And again, no affirming! Just honest comparison of the feelings.

Are you up to it? :)

You know, you don’t have to go through the whole ladder. Listen to your Inner Guidance.

By the way, if you haven’t noticed, what we were doing in this technique – we were listening to our Inner Guidance.

We were training ourselves to return to that innate knowing we had when we came here, to listen to our Inner Guidance, not to some outer criteria. So now in some sense, we’re more aligned than ever.

Can you feel that? :)

..After that exercise my recommendation is – don’t touch this subject for some time. Because we shifted vibration deep enough, it will bring us new thoughts about this subject. Then we may want to observe and record them. Until then – just breathing in the new energy lets us milk it where we came to, and fills the space that was earlier filled with old thoughts, given by the old vibration. Now you see things differently, but go eeeeeeeeasily about it. :)

Ease and flow. :)

Appreciating the things you have – does this recommendation annoy you sometimes?

Do you feel guilty about not being grateful for what you’ve got? Ease up upon yourself, this is pretty much logical!

AH say, if you can easily appreciate, appreciate. But if you can’t, don’t force it upon yourself (and don’t feel guilty), just go general :)

I remember that it was always a tough task for me, to look for pleasing things when I wasn’t in the mode, it was annoying to turn into the direction of even looking for a pleasing thing. And I didn’t understand why and either tried to force it (rarely), or just gave up on the idea, trying to feel better in some other ways.

But I didn’t understand, why it is so bad for me. And then AH in one of their recent LIVEs explained, that when we’re trying to become too specific (positively!) on a subject we’re on a low vibe about, then the opposite and of it is activated, since it’s our most active vibration, and we raise all the resistance on the topic. While if we go general in such a case, we don’t activate that low end, and then we can go to generally positive more and more until we diffuse the resistance enough that the pleasing things start to jump into our sight by themselves, and then appreciating them becomes easy. :)

Delicious pieces from AH LIVE Sep 24

..can now be found, piece by piece, at my Facebook page:

Tomorrow there will be more!

An emotional ladder on.. pretty much everything :)

“I feel fearful, why?

I’m afraid things won’t go my way, why?

Because I have a belief, that “this is just not how things work”, and so it is hard for me to believe, that things will go as I want them to go this time, because it’s not a usual way. (It’s not that things don’t work specifically for me, it’s that there’s a certain way things tend to go – objectively).

But what if “the way things work” is different on different levels on my vibration?

And what if they can go accordingly to my preferences now, when I myself gave them (the preferences) more value?

What if I could experience more things opening to me, more opportunities than “normally are”, more things going to my pleasure?

I think it could be quite logical.

I love this life. :)

And I love myself. So smart……….amazing!” :))

If you ever have doubts..

..this quote is one of the most helpful for me.
Always, when I was listening to the guru that said “research your market and find what they need and what would succeed, and then follow it” – I felt resistance to it, I felt it wasn’t quite my path. I loved it so much more when Bashar said, “there is no one-side coin in this Universe: if you want to do something, then there’re people that want it in this exact way you want to create it” (not a precise quote, but still :))

And this quote below so clarifies it all..
Here it is:

“You can have a potentially wonderful business
and feel fearful
or you can have a potentially wonderful business
and feel hopeful.

And the difference between fearful and hopeful
makes the difference between
how fast it will be a wonderful business.

You could choose a business that almost everybody fails at
and you could take an emotional journey where you think you will succeed,

and in the business that almost everybody fails at
you could have an ENORMOUS SUCCESS
because you took an emotional journey
and got yourself in the place of expectation” ~ AH