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“Ever changing truth is the reflection of the ever unfolding birth of being that is life.”

how great!!

The full quotation:

“Ever changing truth is the reflection of the ever unfolding birth of being that is life. All creation is new. All creation is a birth. There is no ending to expansion, for there is no end to creation. There is no ending to contraction, for there is no end to the separation we can create if we so choose. There is no end to love. There is no end to fear. There are no limits to where you can go; you are infinite. God is not the answer. There is no answer. There does not need to be an answer. There is no problem. There just is. After it frees, truth dissolves. We are integrating and releasing the story of God. No story can hold the infinite. No story can hold what we are. The release of the story of God is the healing of the wound we express as fundamentalism.

Love says that you are not wounded. You are not limited. There is no sin. Hell is the belief in hell. To be in hell is to believe that your actions could lead you to burn in eternal damnation. If you believe in the existence of hell then you are in hell. Those that warn of hell have never saved anyone; no one needs saving. They are in the hell of their belief system. To believe in hell is to believe that the fear of going there will save you from it. Hell is the belief in the validity of fear. You do not need to fear. You do not need to be healed. You do not need to be freed. You are freedom. You cannot free freedom. You cannot fix what is whole. You cannot heal love.

We have traveled so far to have taken God from pointing to the essence of infinite love and freedom, to God being the symbol of our separation from our power of creation. The term God today is a symbol of that wound. Religion’s idea of God is a wound. Our discomfort with our associations with the word God is a symbol of that pain. This book is my healing of God in myself. It is my personal reclamation of the word God from religion – a representation of my return to the word God meaning love.

As long as you believe you are separate, wounded, or limited, then these words are here for you. As long as you do not believe that you could be God, then these words are here for you. As long as you believe in God in a way that is distinct from your belief in yourself, then these words are here for you. By healing God I heal myself. The realization of God within your own being is the realization of your own healing, but just as there is no healing there is no God. God has only ever been our reflection of our separation from our divinity. Without that separation there is no need of any idea of God. God as an absolute belief system is a wound. To speak of God as an idea, is to speak of a wound you are carrying. Religion is the fortification of this wound. God is not an idea. God is love. Love is everything.”

— from You Are God. Get Over It! by Story Waters

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